....additionally, something around 'ball games' and the masons - dazzlenation...let me guess...are we still on 'look-at-who's-moving-out'?....lol...pond road, anybody....or more to the point - blackheath grove in relation to the following address...something that younger had left upon the timer system, hoping that somebody would notice etc etc...and yes, he'd said that he'd line them all up on winkworth etc etc....see previous post....go figure:
....and a reference to what marr used to call "skid row" as a child - late 60s, blackheath....hmmm...best not to say too much here - apart from lisa 'n' her block of wood, along with the rest of the prague rothschild team - had been interested in the above residences - with an eye to moving in....oh and sylvia wood had been a member of the mossad - on very friendly terms with gill 'n' rodway et al....and what else?...well, remember emet and my position as 'logistics officer'...upgraded briefly to acting fleet admiral in order to stop losey's incompetent mossad asset from setting a course that would lead to disaster etc etc...he was feeding the fishes, shortly afterwards....anyway, from 'acting therapies coordinator' to 'acting fleet admiral'....lol...'acting' all of my life etc etc....albeit doing a real job, at the same time - unpaid, i might add or rather all payments stolen upon prince phillip's corrupt system.....stolen by 'tard world'...and that's another point....remember the muggles class in harry potter world?...because the supposedly superior radio witches' class - is in reality 'tard-world' or 'turtle-man-without-a-face' world, if you prefer...no wonder pentagon brenda had laughed and claimed that 'military intelligence' was in fact, an oxymoron....upside down/topsy-turvy world etc etc.....with an eye to what was going on with the 'tards'....who were becoming increasingly sub-normal, sub-human (remember that FBI category?)....given the amount of chips inserted and brain tissue removed....until their actual brains gave up and began to die...leaving only an A.I. system - based upon 'machine logic' that was degenerating steadily....clearly things were only going to get worse, as younger had known....whilst not knowing what to do about it, at all etc etc....and as a mathematician - my hands had been tied....unable to access the system, in order to provide the necessary protection etc etc....and yes, this was all about...how shall one put it....look up the meaning of corps...corpse....incorporeal....corporeal....corporal.....along with 'fleet admiral' as a US military status, let us say....lol....regarding the general theme of 'bodies', let us say - as well as status and access to the system etc etc....including a look at 'body programming' in relation to 'sky' programs et al......with a cursory glance at st basil's moscow - 1980 and their 'adam kadmon' experimentation etc etc....with reference to a certain BBC huddersfield correspondent (erstwhile friend of geldof's younger brother)....astro-physics, anybody?...."the body of stars" replies BI online...conflated with the human body as a template.......go figure:
oh and in relation to that kidbrook grove number?...well, whalley had apparently put a bid in for it - according to younger....because dr tony smith had once lived in kidbrooke grove....anyway, a bit of a 'hansel and gretel' number?
additionally, younger could remember the lion statue but etc etc..."nothing more" replies BI online.....see previous notes upon the 'lie-on'....anyway, sonia fisher had set the clue 'memory aid' trail and in relation to 'eyebrows'....more laughter...i kid you not....the starting point had been a certain geometrical shape regarding what appears to have held perhaps a clock or alarm system - upon the holland-on-sea library/townhall........and the eyebrows?....well, a dual number....CF 'n' caroline hughes who could both wiggle them, to great effect....."the king and queen" replies BI online...."of turtle-world"...oh i see - is that what then happened to caroline, as well?.....see previous posts....go figure:
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