Tuesday, 9 January 2024

 ....and what else is 'new' this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, i had forgotten to mention the following residence - which ties in with that 'holland road' number.....go figure:

Glenfiddigh Hse - Google Maps

Dazzlenation (tumblr.com)

Contact: Cavendish House - Care Quality Commission (cqc.org.uk)

all a bit of a 'grey' number....oh and i might add that the next two houses down - upon rosemary road west, have now got chipboard in their windows (including the frontdoors)....BI online is now informing me that they haven't managed to get those who 'breeze through' that 'grey' house, as yet...i wonder 'why'?....anyway, the note upon the timer system and in relation to the 'grey' house is all about icke calling himself 'jesus' and 'turquoise'....lol....in the early morning, as you walk past that 'grey' house - it has turquoise lights illuminating its facade....MI6 moore had asked for them to be put in, so that he wouldn't forget...more laughter.....although none of this is really 'funny', is it etc etc....and yes, moore et al, are not allowed to be prosecuted for the crimes that they commit, in this country - "they just slap a D notice on it"...you mean, national security and all of that?....now DMSA....oh and as moore had laughed "dismal weather, isn't it?"...shall i expose what had happened to moore - in the end, upon this blog?...lol...i'd better not - on the other hand, why not?...anyway, the footage back was similar to that banker, the one that had been hanged by P2, apparently etc etc...but worse, much worse....more laughter...and all because they're just 'robots' at the end of the day i.e. long dead....or should i really be calling them 'zombies'?....hmmm...a mixture of genetic robot (i.e. shut-down DNA with uber-chip  + vegetating, diseased and dying brains) and "all out zombie" replies BI online....whatever-they-are nowadays - they shouldn't be still walking around etc etc...and for those of us who have religious qualms about the whole thing, i can assure you that if they ever had souls - those souls had departed a long time ago....and so they are now just 'instruments' or 'widgets' upon a bankers' gameboard....'earning it by being evil' in order to get the next class A drugs fix, that their body craves..."and the police have to take a backseat - their hands are tied".....precisely so - what an appalling scenario, eh?....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

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