Wednesday 31 January 2024

 .....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i can remember had been MI5 evans who had been behind the 'mr frost'/twin peaks number.....additionally, he had wanted a reminder of sally morgan's defence of 'howard hughes'...."he wasn't like that!" etc etc....evans had then concluded that she must have known him - given her a child, that is...."you must find out what she knew" etc etc....go figure:

er....something around those who like to control the world from one 'small interior'?

oh and evans might like to take a look at the yes, this is all more than a bit 'deja vu'....go figure:

anyway, evans' basic idea behind all of this....was to high-light what goldblum had once said..."if howard hughes can do it, so can i!" whilst seated at his etc it goes, eh?

and what else?....oh look - dazzlenation.....somebody's left a painting in there....reminds me of that residence on 'the walls' of to ask paul dews about 'all of this'....and yes, he had been privy to etc etc....."having joined the men of zion" replies BI online...."he had said - you want me to play howard hughes!"...up to his eyeballs in it, then....whatever had been going down, at the time - let us say....more laughter....anyway, i'm beginning to think that there is no rhyme or reason to any of this - just pure madness etc etc.....go figure:

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