Wednesday 31 January 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...let me see....and well,  i think that i know what this is all about and if so - best not to say, eh?....for the time being, that could give you a clue, though - regarding those 'russian zionst protocols' etc etc...and all because gill, mcdonald and SC had rushed off to etc order to meet-the-man-who-had-all-the-contacts...and that had been jeff goldblum...suffice to say, roz went instead of me...i was in no mood to etc to keep out of it, eh? relation to having been thoroughly embarrassed within the CIA lab, green tower, little italy, all and sundry i.e. not just the male 'joos' but also roz...."the soviet protocols are real" my bleating - rather lamely, in response - that the entirety of the internet now said that they were false etc etc...i was then told various 'hurried' personal accounts, as they made ready to terms of how they had all been signed up for etc etc....every jooish male, apparently...."they always come after you"...."they give you money"..."you agree"...not thinking that you'll get sucked in further to etc etc...just nice friendly men like jeff goldblum, who honestly wouldn't hurt a fly....more laughter....anyway, gill and the rest of them - knew the protocols by heart...they had lived by them, at an earlier age etc etc..."to then have got out of mind control" replies BI online...exactly, they had realised that it was satanic soviet nihilism at its then go and try to do something about it - hence the trip to see goldblum - who had offered his list of contacts but not without a 'meeting' first etc etc...suffice to say the meeting with goldblum had been a trap...something that my sixth sense had warned me about, in the first place etc etc...and seeing as i was the mathematician of the piece - in short, i had to 'keep safe', if nobody else did etc etc.......go figure:

oh and jooish hollywood had told goldblum not to worry...the following film would be a masonic affair...i.e. if they could get away with it, in plain sight then etc etc....oh and remember sue whalley and her sister laughing "Mr Frosty?" - regarding a certain colour of lipstick etc etc....anyway, the film 'mr frost' is very much reminding me of the relationship between sonia fisher 'n' richard it goes, eh?

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, she's got more male 'abs' than he has - lol... not something that women normally develop - unless etc etc...and certainly not whilst 'bone-thin' etc etc...anyway, it is a question to be answered by body-builders on stuff that they really shouldn't be on, eh - CF?....poor old colin - long dead now, regarding 'face-off' but anyway...."sold his life for a dream" replies BI online...the body beautiful..."to be loved and adored"....and what happens when you get old and it all falls apart?.....people like me, notice the changes in the mirror and decide...well, i'm at the point where my face and body (the scars, for example), show what i have been through.....the decades, it has taken to get that experience and knowledge - through adversity, in extremis....i am proud of every scar, that i have - it is evidence......against the sick 'n' the stupid and their international paedo-cannibal elite of class A drug addicts etc etc...and yet, the poor old things within that 'stardom' trap - still want to be 'young'..."to continue to live the illusion"......ill-u-sion, eh?...and yes, the holliday camp, that had won the british royal society competition to supply an 'elixir of youth' but they have not supplied it.....and so what do you think about that holliday camp?......"it never will" replies BI online...a bunch of liars and defrauders etc etc etc...some things, you can't change, eh?....unless of course, like gloria vanderbilt - you use a trickster like amadeus, to mirror-program you with etc extremely dangerous and stupid - not to mention 'satanic' and criminal but if you've got enough money and you don't get found out etc etc....go figure:

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