....and what did hugh want a reminder of - dazzlenation?..."i want you to find out for me - where..." etc etc.....hmmm....all about robert webb (rimington's uKrainian son)....and his 'manna-from-heaven' cannibal/zygote slavery cult...oh and robert had described himself as the 'joker' - regarding that 'court card figure' below....hmmm....remember how he had taken over my network - after i had left the CIA lab....and look at what happened to them, next....programmed 'hedge-hogs'....'extinction rebellion'....not to mention far worse....remember thompson telling fry "i just can't do it" etc etc....go figure:
anyway, having had a long conversation with oscar upon the phone, yesterday...he was to tell me that marr had been in contact with various MPs to do something about my 'scandalous blog'...lol....oh and oscar had been in touch with the tendring tories, too - at the mughal restaurant, of all places etc etc....additionally, he appeared to remember henderson, more so than the others - i wonder 'why' - seeing as he's labour etc etc...."it was a templar meeting"....more laughter....all boys together, eh?....so long ago, you understand....anyway, he then asked me - almost incredulously if i were allowed to vote...i replied with a laugh...not only that....but they had tried to make me do jury service....at the crown court, in chelmsford.....naturally i put a flea in their ear, about 'that one'...to then receive a letter stating that i was excused upon this occasion......27th of march, 2017 - juror number: 641479391.......something that armstrong was to despair about.....you see this is all about..."circuitry boards" replies BI online...."all roped in together"....and i am not on any board or circuit....which is why the sick 'n' the stupid who want to steal, are unable to access anything at all, really....as it goes, eh?
oh and i might add that when webb turned up with his mucker 'mitchell'...'mitchell' was to tell him to cry buckets...."always works"....and so he pretended - as he had formerly done...to be so lovesick etc etc....with 'emelye' etc etc....sickening, isn't it?....additionally, CF had done the same, to garner sympathy....despite hugh having realised that CF was quite obviously a closet homosexual...i then regaled him with a story about rimington...."look at the way he runs!" she had said - to then add "he'll grow up to be gay"...whilst watching the 5 year old CF run after little andrew marr - late 60s, blackheath etc etc:
and now let's have a look at 'manna ash house'...hmmm....makes you wonder if geri had got there first - doesn't it?..."indeed she had"....lol....and coded it out...to explain webb's insanity, i suppose.....and so let us state, for the record...that 'maths' cannot enable you to time-travel and nor can it halt the march of time etc etc....but as oscar was to wisely state - hypnotherapy can make you feel better, if you manage to find somebody like hugh, who knows what they're doing rather than some charlatan who etc etc.....remember amadeus programming gloria vanderbilt to believe that she was 'young again' in the mirror - whilst programming blood-drinking/baby-eating as a necessary 'ingredient' within the magic etc etc...go figure:
oh and you can go all of the way up to floor 7:
additionally, i begin to wonder if hugh had wanted a reminder of this study/bedroom?
and those are your 'new wave novelties', are they - dazzlenation?
additionally, there's your hedgehog - heaven only knows what the rest of it is all about:
along with a 'hooj choons' broken record reference...along with all of those cups of tea/coffee etc etc anybody?...oh i see - webb had been bawling..."you're just a broken record!" etc etc....go figure:
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