....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...lol...up and down the garden path, eh?...."too much chipping" replies BI online...well, we can take that as 'read'....and yes, you might wonder why 'fenn wright' is selling such a low-cost property (for their site, that is)...oh and remember inga 'n' her ingabot..."only the best for helen" etc etc...more laughter....armour-clad in muvver-boards and software, eh - dazzlenation?...didn't stop gill 'n' brand from getting rid of inga and via her ingabot - now, did it?.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....lol....go figure:
Pier Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1NH - Fenn Wright
...hmmm...a beauty shop called 'moors' or would that be a 'richard moore's number....lol....guess.....and all because moore had told his aides "give it to fenn wright".....a costly mistake to make but then he's a 'tard', isn't he...none of them have any 'shame' about their whole shameful biznez...."a bunch of chuckie dolls on the loose"....and what else?...well, those 'chuckie dolls' are so 'tardy' that they do not appear to understand 'cause and effect' - haven't done for decades...hence the repeated attacks upon myself....remember what emet had said about them all..."we'll see if they can learn"...as quickly as the pentagon had done, for example...and the upshot is?..."none of them have learned a single thing - at all"....in short, they have no understanding of 'cause and effect' i.e. they keep on attacking, to then meet the most terrible ends, with their 'wicked witch' curses - then boomeranged back and applied to their entire networks...how retarded is that?....lol.....see previous notes.....go figure:
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