Saturday 20 January 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i can finally remember something of what had happened down pallister road....and as far as i had all happened a very long time ago.....first up, rimington had decided to take whalley to a very important meeting, in a certain house down that road.....attended by moore 'n' boris....along with a couple of men whom moore was to discuss a certain satellite named 'B-SIRIUS' above israel, with...hence that 'iloominati' anonymous comment?....dews was to quip that he and his crew would be listening over the garden wall....mary berry's crew were also keen to find out what had been discussed...later on, mcgowan was to go in and say that nothing had been left in the 'loo'....and yes, the assumption had been...that those who had attended that meeting would leave...memory aids etc etc...."reminders" replies BI online.....anyway, remember rimington's nickname for tomlinson i.e. 'bogbrush'.....because later on, whalley was to say that rimington had had a bone to pick with moore et al, regarding tomlinson (her partner) and in relation to prince andrew...although whalley couldn't say more....having been threatened with her tongue being cut out etc etc....anyway, back to B-SIRIUS because moore hadn't explained to whalley, what his agenda was....and that became a bit clearer when he began to talk about rodway's latest report....and yes, this really dates things....moore was to say that he (and presumably the rest of them) were going with sat b'hai as a faith...."NWO religion" dates things because later on, rodway was to report that not enough jews were interested in converting and therefore the mossad had discarded the idea etc etc.....anyway, i can now begin to put together the pieces.....remember mark r's room at the MI imperial hotel, jerusalem?....all coded out - regarding the annihilation of jerusalem and all abrahamic make way for a new world religion etc etc....and so there you have it....moore was to use the word 'zion' three times, regarding his plans for that satellite...."their zionist plan"...oh and there was something else, too....moore 'n' boris had laughed about what they would tell the masons and 'how'....hmmmm....something around coding rimington out as 'isis' in relation to tomlinson, her 'osiris'....moore was also to laugh about that st-john head-on-a-plate number....."a bit of blood and gore"..."we'll keep that in" he was to tell whalley....and all because the masons apparently like that type of thing...hmmm....and so who was going to be salome and 'st john', for their next rite etc etc.....go figure:

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