Friday 19 January 2024

 ...and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?.....well, if you want a context for a failed arctic expedition and the eating of 'rose petals'......hmmm....let me give you a local context....'library linda's crew are at it, again........and yes, the 'flowery teacups' were out, i kid you not...albeit hidden at the back of the library - behind a stand....along with the usual paraphernalia.....oh and the funniest thing of all....was after linda had come out of the back office - to complain that they didn't have any 'rich tea' biscuits, to go with the tea.....her code for 'richard tomlinson'....."where's the rich tea?!" etc etc....and yes, she had been quite het up about it her staff began to talk about other biscuit brands, in order to try and placate her etc etc....oh they only appeared to have one brand of biscuits/packet of biscuits by the tea paraphernalia....a 'malted milk' number...along with a rather retro biscuit tin etc etc....anyway, whilst i was browsing the classics 'n' modern stand, at the back and to the right....a pat andrew type was to walk up to me....a new member of staff, apparently....twirl her index finger and point in my face, with her ringed couldn't make this up...more laughter....and ask me if i would like a cup of tea, in a sing-song voice....suffice to say i replied that i would love one but didn't have the time, thank you....and then decided to check out my reserved book on 'chinese mythology' and exit the library....and yes, i have a pretty clear idea of what had been going on behind the scenes....for example, the sick 'n' the stupid had been fighting about property again....who gets what....after 'earning it by being evil'....that type of thing....apparently unaware that the system has now changed, let us say....and that type of  repulsive and abhorrent behaviour is no longer point of fact it is now cursed with the most terrible etc etc....more laughter......and yes, i get the taschmann mall-ted reference, dazzlenation...but hey, where's james nowadays, then etc etc....and yes, the sick 'n' the stupid aren't going to change their ways, which means that more and more will end up etc etc...until there is not one left...and so it's just a 'waiting game', now - as i was to tell daldry, all of those year ago, having seen what would happen....but there's no telling 'tardies', is there and so the programs will simply kick in to knock them out etc it goes, eh?

Dazzlenation (

Your favourite biscuits ranked worst to best (

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