Wednesday 17 January 2024

 ....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, this is all about another one, that CF had got under his control etc etc....and so not just pat at the fish 'n' chip shop along with whalley at portishead house....but also hugh....who used to have a house upon manningtree high street..whilst advertising two businesses......'honeywell computers' along with a 'hypnotherapy' practice - complete with flowery teacups etc etc....oh and whalley had told him so many fibs etc etc....and so had CF....suffice to say hugh wasn't taken in, at the time....having been previously part of MI1, let us say...he knew that i was a mathematician but what he didn't know was that i could also 'swat flies' better than whalley, let us say...anyway - events then took a certain turn and etc etc....i'm not sure how that fits in with your 'new wave' stuff - dazzlenation....although i can remember pat choosing those pics - to talk about what hugh had been up to etc etc...oh and hugh had known what i was all about....after i had refused a cup of tea and was about to leave - having told him that i was currently involved in CIA work..."you'd better come back to us" he replied....well, then somebody had better pay me, then, eh?...and there are a lot of back payments to be made - are there not? before i even contemplate etc etc....including a full public apology from those who had etc etc....go figure:

Hugh Clover Advanced Hypnotherapy | Essex/Suffolk Border

and so let me see....pat had been looking at 'scanpal', i would guess:

hmmm....additionally, as hugh had referenced, at the time..."i'll refer to it as 'special education".....and he has done 'just that', in his brief, he had known all about what huntingdon had been up to....."and disagreed" replies BI online....and if we balloon it out a bit...what about that 'special relationship' between the US and the UK etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'..go figure.

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