Friday 12 January 2024

.....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, this is a complicated number, which is going to require quite a bit of explanation...not least from sir mark rowley who had not only been behind the entire event....but had also queered the pitch by editing files....hmmm....i can always tell a dodgy 'signature', let us say...and so it's time to look at the original documents/formats etc etc...go figure:

Dazzlenation (

oh and evans had said "put that one in - that's me!" i.e. hiding behind a tree:

and so what had happened, exactly?...well, let's begin with paul dews, at his radnor walk residence....once BI had caught up with him etc etc...he was then to tell them that caroline hughes used to call round, to talk about the 'old days' at dartington....and she had mentioned a certain drama activity during one of ann kilcoyne's workshops....where paul had channelled the 'fishwick' or 'weasley' line - if you prefer, beloved of prince a sort of 'caveman', you weren't supposed to laugh in her classes and so caroline nearly fell over, whilst trying to keep it in....and began to start making noises as odd as that in a way, covers the 'redneck' simpson's character - whittling away and yes, that is because dews had chosen it - appeared to identify with that role etc for the 'flowers' part....remember that CH4 part drama, part documentary let us say...of the fishwick/weasley short, dews had effectively pushed those 'flowers' back through the letterbox of etc etc....and there's more.....and yes, we're onto evans' 'pyramids of mars' relation to andrew marr's gang....who had once been taken to the house where that particular series had been then run screaming through the woods etc be told by the crew, that the actor-in-the-suit couldn't see and couldn't run...therefore they had been in no real danger.....and now we get to the main part of the drama, which had been overseen by emet....who had been closely watching rowley and the CID 'on the ground' in short, another 'dr tony smith' episode had occurred.....mrs fishwick, by that point in time....was in a wheelchair and according to oscar 'n' sylvia...unable to do anything at all....sophie used to have to use a tube, in order to feed her....oscar was to say that in that type of case, it was difficult to know if she could see or hear, not to mention 'feel' anything at short, she had gone....and so she wasn't capable of any of those things....however, it was the indignity of it all....the royals and their medics could have given her an 'iron infusion' for example which might have saved her life, if given earlier on....which sarah ferguson had vetoed, previously...."she'll cause too much trouble" etc etc and so prince andrew and his erstwhile wife, sarah had decided to run her shall we put it...."the dead" replies BI online....and to cut a very long story short - after rowley had had her murdered in the woods....and yes, the royals had tried to find her, initially...."working blind"....and so activated her chip, to make her walk again....after she had been left for dead....and so it was...."a comedy of errors" could put it that way....anyway, roll on the years - according to files, it was mcgowan who eventually found the body....with a rather large device in the skull....."theremin chip"....and what else?...well, rowley's mob were to apparently threaten the ipswich crematorium staff....firstly quinton...who had been handed the 'driving glasses' to wear and secondly her colleague, who had been given jade laing's old 'leaves of the tree' ironing board..."and so i'll put it there, then?" before his photo was taken etc etc.....oh and there's a bit more to add..."whalley went by the wayside"...yes and sophie as well, if i'm not mistaken.....later on, mcgowan was to say that he couldn't remember the exact spot, where they had effectively driven that car off the etc etc and into the estuary....and all i can say in retrospect is that one hopes that the same doesn't happen to sylvia..."it won't - mary berry had....".....oh i see, she won't be wandering around....doesn't like to go out, at all - nowadays....anyway, this is all a bit close to the bone - regarding those sewer (sue-ER) rats down the sewers, let us say....hmmm....and yes, i now 'get' what had happened - in relation to younger 'n' lisa's tunnelling job...not exactly the sewers, then..."flooded tunnels"...oh and somebody had agreed to be photographed because he bore a likeness to prince an indictment, i suppose - as to who has been behind pretty much of all it...and so why had rowley agreed to any of it etc etc..."bent copper - casting the blame elsewhere"....anyway, regarding 'memory' this is all bit difficult - isn't it?...all i can do is to reiterate what is on file etc etc and hope that those like dews, mcgowan et al - recover their memories of what may or may not have gone on - not that many years ago, it goes, eh?

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