Tuesday 16 January 2024

 ....oh and there's a little bit more to add, dazzlenation.....and this appears to target pat andrew behaving like a 'drag queen', let us say - rather than mary berry....and in relation to the taschmanns, again...aka 'fenmen' or perhaps the 'fen-el'....hmmm.....hmmm...remember patsy's evening visits to the 'grief' therapist etc etc...above the manningtree fish 'n' chips shop, as far as i am aware....lol...and let me see - the very unfunny part, of it all - was CF recruiting within the area...particularly jaywick, i might add - see previous notes upon that chinese 'retro' cloned monkey biznez....and yes, the chinese had known what he had been up to....recruiting for prince andrew's zionist pool, let us say...not that any of his victims had been told that, at the time etc etc....just 'earn it by being evil' and here's a large wad of cash - just like elliot's desk in clacton, in point of fact...as the italian mob had ascertained....and in relation to patsy?...if she had had the chance to do it all again, she wouldn't have used quite as much etc etc....see previous posts....go figure:

Fear of Fanny - BBC 2006 - YouTube

whereupon we could discuss 'natural leaders' (those who advocate freedom of choice) vs those who like power and control - dazzlenation....hmmm...the 'power and control' mob tend to win out in a battle....which is unfortunate for everybody, including themselves....remember what sylvia had said about uncle bobby etc etc..."he hadn't wanted any of it to be like that"...apparently he still wanted his wife back after etc etc...just too stupid to do anything different...a regrettable situation and for all concerned....as it goes, eh?

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