Friday, 5 January 2024

 ....and what else is 'new' this friday morning - dazzlenation?...well, from the macro to the micro....having checked belle court bins room - regarding those new metal doors which are currently locked....nothing has been done, as yet....the doors are still locked....and the lock is broken....specifically, the placement for the lock is still there but the lock-where-the-key-fits has been removed....."an empty hole" replies BI online....precisely that....anyway, having had a look upon google for that type of metal door, which should have been sufficient to deter etc etc....apparently not....see previous notes upon just how many times, the wooden doors had been broken down, beforehand etc etc...the metal doors are still standing (and locked) although the key-in-the-lock system has now gone.....not an easy problem to solve unless you 'louvre doors'? find out how they cope with etc etc when that figure:


anyway, something that CF had learned whilst at deb mcd's husband's 'office' in central brum - go figure:

oh and the prague rothschild had decided to join CF, with the following 501 number - regarding programming materials:

and yes, we're back to AMCA and 'uncle bobby and uncle michael'....more laughter.....and all because 'tards' really aren't too hard to work out etc etc...despite all of the resources in this world, at their disposal along with their 'brute force'...bullying 'tards' - being sick 'n' stupid, yet again.....what can you do with them?......go figure:

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