Monday, 8 January 2024

 ....and what else is 'new', dazzlenation?'black-lips-mossad'? yes, mcgowan et al, had found a whole load of drugs...."enough to supply london" in those radnor walk addresses....more laughter but hell, when the sick 'n' the stupid employ those like rodway 'n' chapman etc etc to do their 'biznez'...what could go wrong, eh?....go figure:

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anyway, remember 'paul dews' and his chinese 'triad link'?"the mossad's most trusted" replies BI online....more laughter....such a nice man etc etc...oh and a bit of a 'magic mushroom' lampshade, going on there, eh?...and yes, he'd  been bullied into doing it, by the 'tards'....and so one has to ask what was the tardy trajectory, all about then?...nota bene - all 'tards' are run by the mossad, the macro - it was all about enslaving the east - as MKultra slaves of the british monarchy...."in particular, the japanese women" replies BI online...."to think of themselves as nobody and nothing - who could not expect to have their own children - the end of the line - the end of japan"....but not quite, eh?....they would still be 'useful' in terms of bringing the whole of the pacific rim under british monarchy control etc etc...and upon warwick campus - 1996-7....mcdonald had been employed or should one say 'deployed' by the mossad's 'golden shield' of the british monarchy - to do, just it goes, eh?....and in a very alternate dimension, let us say.....watching the revolutions of the planets and the memory tapes etc etc as they come back.....and to all and sundry etc etc...."it all stinks"....all ending up in the proverbial 'garbage can' along with those verminous, parasitical vegetable-brains....go figure:

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