....oh i see - dazzlenation...it was a 'mossad' tempters job....up at hill house, combs...'earning it by being evil' etc etc...the tards see it as being 'clever'....lol....and that is the difference between those like myself and 'tards' - for example, if i choose to do an 'evil' act, let us say - i tend to feel slightly guilty and ashamed about it - before and afterwards, i might add but convince myself about the whole thing, that it is a 'needs must' situation - not something that i want to do but....."no alternative" replies BI online...forced into it...anyway, not something that i am in the habit of doing and definitely not something that i understand as being 'clever'....and nor do i congratulate myself upon it, as bobby's mob does - by calling themselves 'geniuses' - puffing themselves up with pride - like poisonous little snakes, whilst laughing about how they have managed, yet again, to 'earn it by being evil/sick/stupid' and get away with it etc etc.....anyway, in terms of 'evil' acts, let us say - i see them as simply 'necessary' sometimes, in order to stem the tide of verminous, parasitical and bullying, satanic 'vegetables' i.e. those that think they are geniuses - for being sick 'n' stupid, along with the british royal satanic system that maintains them (remember that taschmann attack in prague - mid 90s?)...a system that only a mathematician can pull down....more laughter....guess what 2024 brings in terms of 'mission statements' etc etc....additionally, remember SAS captain 'scottie' reviewing what the SAS had found out about british royal '13th one' games - after having been told that their decorated military hero had disappeared, after the 'royal' ceremony (attended by the rothschilds) and so had figured that their hero, had been given a new ID/passport/money and was living somewhere else.....most probably an idyllic place - retired from active service etc etc....hmmm....well, you know what had really happened, now - don't you dazzlenation....made to sit upon the 13th seat and then electrocuted - not just out of his mind, mark you (as in memory dump)...but murdered....not coming back....not just 'memory dump'....and all because the satanists-at-the-top cannot stand it when anybody shows them up, for what they are....and so a true military hero - opposed to those who stand on balconies with un-earned military awards pinned to their chests.....remember princess anne?....omg - she was one of the funniest....anne had won more 'military awards' than prince charles - the satanic way, you understand and had wanted to go out onto the royal balcony, wearing all of them - to outshine him....because when royals win those medals, it isn't in war-time or even related to the military, in point of fact....it is an international S/M system, believe it or not...that the whole of the MI5 russian course - 1980, had been sent on....david miliband had asked, afterwards, if we would get all of the medals awarded for going through all of those 'ordeals' - to then be told with a laugh...."no".....after visiting so many countries and for the most extreme tortures/NDE experiences etc etc....a substantial amount of the course died....quite a few were mutilated or worse, much worse (kathleen's face - clement power's leg, alison stonier's knees - to mention but a few - hospitalisation required etc etc)...oh and you wonder what's wrong with the british monarchy and their 'special-in-the-head-relationship' with the USA?....because that very 'special relationship' is now coming down.....more laughter....work it out....see previous posts....go figure:
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