...oh and i wouldn't even like to think what the sick 'n' the stupid might have planned to do with the following, dazzlenation.....reminds me of that 'horrorshow' regarding olton mere, all of those decades ago, now....firstly, 'crappy'-in-the-mud....and secondly, 100 magpies or thereabouts, descending upon the swamp, to the back of it.....a 'dead body' thrown out of a plane, into that 'jungle'....not to mention that theremin box which had attracted all of those birds, in the first place etc etc....go figure:
The Chinese myth of the forbidden lovers - Shannon Zhao - YouTube
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, a little bird tells me that the sick 'n' the stupid had been planning to do something even worse, with the following....go figure:
hmmm....remember that donald sutherland moment 'invasion of the body snatchers' style?...."the revenge of whalley" replies BI online....go figure:
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