Saturday, 19 November 2022

 .......and in a very alternate dimension - have a 'concern' about the maths - regarding the 'craps' tables?....this is something around what manneke had channelled....and it was all about obama 'n' crappy, at the time - whilst i was in hospital - i might add...having just been bitten/stung by every etc etc...anyway, the whole bundle included a song and the misinterpretation of various words....for example, i can remember saying that i hadn't realised that the singer was singing 'miracles', as a teenager...because it had sounded more like 'milko' at the time....macao/ma-cow and milko...."the dairy and the milkmaid" replies BI online....."manneke had coded it in".....and then we're onto that 'six/sechs' number again....remember mark r and his punning around MI6...."you're looking 'sixy'"....the sick see etc etc....see previous post....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

and let me this point in the song, he really does sound like he's singing 'milko' - doesn't he, dazzlenation? this a pronunciation number...regarding the old 'l' and 'r' issue?...a bit of a tongue twister...."where you from? you sechsy thing"...perhaps he had a chinese girlfriend, huh?

oh and then we need to go back to this painting, dazzlenation....and that is because 'aya' had been programmed as a 'persian cat', let us say....and by the 'sixy' and their 'coffee pot', as far as i am aware....and what did they program her with?..."you are the plunger - you dig deep" etc etc....which is presumably why she is an excellent dentist/ of those, that the holliday family had tried to eradicate from the UK health system...private or NHS:

oh and in a very alternate dimension - dazzlenation...the supervisor who came in to check the boiler and thermostat - had been a remoteviewer, too....hmmm...and his previous job?...a bit of a military intelligence diplomatic number, as far as i am aware...."chinese girlfriend - will travel" replies BI online...and he had been programmed with 'kelkoo':

and then it's back to the symbolism of the coffee pot and plunger....remember coffee conflated with 'coffin'?....and that is because when you go down 'deep' is to a very low brainwave....which as far as i am aware....isn't dangerous, if you only do it for a second and then 'come up' for air - as it were....having retrieved a glimpse of 'something' from the bottom of the c/sea, let us say....however, if your heart stops and you start 'flying', well obviously you're in trouble....go figure.

...additionally, if you want to go a little bit further, dazzlenation...aya had that arabic pronunciation in english...the tendency to pronounce a 'p' as a 'b'....hmmm....and with intent, let us say.....and so at first, i did a double-take, regarding her talking about the 'bus' in relation to the 'pus' then realise that there was another reference there, that she was also trying to convey...something that sharon had known about...a computer reference to the 'bus'....and so was there any 'bus'?....more laughter...luckily there hadn't been...we had gone undetected, let us say...."under the radar" replies BI online....go figure:

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