....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, having had a look at that together dental website again....in relation to 'clapham' (why?) as well as 'finance options'...and well, this is the only option that i have been offered....appears to be worse than a credit card - as far as i can see....and my credit card will only stretch to so much....i'll have to take out one of evans' HSBC loans to the tune of £7,000 to £15,000....and that is two root canals and two tooth implants is going to be costly, isn't it?...probably another £4,000 upon the £2,000 that i have already been charged - regarding aya's treatment plan.....go figure:
and let me see...having never borrowed money in my life....lol...i'm new to this game....let me see...and so there is a sliding scale going on here....the more you borrow, the less you pay back.....just over 10% on 10,000.....and yet just over 50% on £2,000...go figure:
and so i simply need to pay my card off, pretty quickly - huh?...now how am i going to do that....i know....we'll just watch as the programs kick in to knock out etc etc..until i get my money back...as it goes ,eh?
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