....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, as far as i can remember....this is all about a 'clapham' connection - see previous post...the financial connection between 'together dental' in clacton and that clapham number....in short, a lead that younger 'n' moore were to follow up, so many years ago now...and yes, this all reeks of rodway - running up a debt of £30,000 on credit cards, as a teenager....upon clothes, make-up and 'eating out'....to then have to manage that on-going debt...well, into her 30s...did she ever manage to pay it off, in the end?
....and what else?...well, having checked the ansaphone upon my mobile....somebody had left me a message - asking me to attend aya's session at 11.40 and not 12.55.....hmmm....i had previously been told by the frontdesk i.e. 'adele' that i would only get a 45 min session...and so i had figured that i would simply go in and ask about those two 'top priority' teeth - that need either root canals or extraction.....and so i turned up at 12.55....after quite a bit of discussion...aya then caved in and admitted that she didn't do root canals....she also refused to do any more extractions...."you don't want any more holes in your mouth"...not a good enough reason, in my book...for wanting to keep two teeth in that will cause me a lot of pain, in the future....both are rotting and both have infected the gums.....hmmm...something very 'dodgy' about the whole thing...in short, the sick 'n' the stupid had been hoping to run my credit card up to the limit and empty my current account as well....in order to pay for aya's treatment plan....i.e 4 more fillings and 'composite bonding' of my front teeth...none of which are a 'priority' at this point in time....and so what is my plan of action, then - dazzlenation?...well, i shall cancel aya's appointment - next week - which is upon the 30th of november and postpone it, until to a later date...i.e. when i have the money in the bank, to pay for it - let us say.......i will also inquire about a 'root canal' dentist at 'together dental'....apparently around £800 per tooth, although it might be more - according to aya....which is the treatment that i need next...two root canals, seeing as she will not extract those two teeth....and so in short, until i get my money back...i won't be running up any more debt, for the time being.....£548 upon the credit card, is enough for me...i.e. that consultation/x-ray and two extractions....hmmm...perhaps i need to visit another dentist now, in order to get those two problem teeth extracted...because it would be cheaper, wouldn't it?....root canal work vs extraction.....see previous posts.........go figure.
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