Wednesday 30 November 2022

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?..well, regarding your might like to have a look at the following....whilst still upon a computing theme, let us say...along with a sidelong glance at 'carbon removal'

In April 2022, XPRIZE and the Musk Foundation announced that in celebration of earth day, 15 teams have been designated as milestone winners in the $100 million XPRIZE carbon removal competition. The milestone winners have received $1 million each with the overall winners to be awarded $80 million in 2025.

....oh and have you checked out the boats, yet?...hmmm....including - something around 'crappy' in the philippines:

Octopus's exterior was designed by Espen Øino Naval Architects and built by the German shipbuilders Lürssen in Bremen and Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft in Kiel.

and what else?...another 'rodway' number....attached to a 'mcdonald' linked article, let us say:

additionally, we had been looking at UK government 'white papers' with bobby's mob (remember the garlic bulb?) and now we're onto 'white pages'....formerly known in the UK, as the BT phone book and i have a copy of the 2015/16 telephone book....'classified directory' coded 'in pink/magenta', business listings coded 'in blue' and the 'residential listings' section? - coded 'in grey':

and yes, it was important as 'crappy' had known at the time - when he came to call....circa 2015....which is why i have kept it all of these years.."classified colour code" replies BI online...something along those lines.

anyway, remember mark r pointing to the 'yellow pages' and telling me that they were all run by the banks listed etc it goes, eh?...and yes, the following left comments are all a bit 'deja vu':

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