Wednesday 30 November 2022

 ...and so all in all, dazzlenation...we appear to be looking at that 'fishwick type' of movie, again:

Dazzlenation (

with a sidelong glance at 'david thewlis' who stars in 'i'm thinking of ending things':

and if we were to go a bit further?....hmmm...the white mouse strapped in...reminds me of both 'andrew' upon that 'working blind' program and the 'government-as-garlic-bulb' lol..."a clove of garlic" replies BI the lines of it's good for you but antiseptic/astringent/antibiotic..."like medicine".....hmmm.....bear with me upon 'this one'....remember daldry at that east bergholt hall...and the two governmental/MP types who had also turned up.....both of them - for the same job-upon-the-timer-system...what was it again?...minister of this, that or the other...."like clockwork" replies BI online....yes and then they memory-dump themselves and so they don't remember a thing....and they're quite happy with that...isn't it weird?....rather like andrew turning up in clacton, upon the timer system.....he probably won't know how he got there....the program will just kick in...he'll remember what he was supposed to do, once 'in situ'....which is how 'intelligence' has been run and for a long time...."clockwork orange"...well, that is what it is now turning into, isn't it?... a real nightmare...."time to stop the program".....and the over-arching program would be a CIA one....remember mark r 'n' toddy as the mad-jesuit-monks, regarding zygote slavery?....not to mention 'little colin' falling upon his sword, let us say....go figure:

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