Monday 28 November 2022

....and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...a 'blast from the past'....hmmm...maru's toy is reminding me somewhat of that NASA logo, for some that send you into outer space?....more laughter...he's spaced out, enough - as it is....go figure:

on the other hand - there are quite a few logos, to pick from:

and i don't see a pink one...let's have another look:

'mixed greens' anybody?

oh i 'get' it now...this is something around mcdonald's CIA 'japanese' team at warwick...who then hooked up with 'italian boyfriends' let us say....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....and so to why did 'miri' moore get that particular 'sweet'?...and what's hana 'in bed' with:

and why does maru end up with 'miri' moore's sweet upon his head?..."wow!" - it's a quasi-collie number:

and what about 'turksat'?...i know it's not a good match but anyway:

hmmm...something is coming back now...mcdonald, whilst at warwick...had scribbled a few designs and noted the colours down.....although the 'orange fish' doesn't appear to have been part of his turksat design, originally -let us say....a mossad hack?

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