Tuesday 29 November 2022

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?...two new comments...and yes i'd been wondering if 'edge' had something to do with 'chrome'....and that is because google still asks me if i want to use chrome and i don't....see previous posts....go figure:

and regarding remote desktop stuff....i had already disabled 'that one'...although obviously somebody has found a way to do it...using that 02 connection - rodway, most likely....along with that polish team, inheriting her 'system', let us say....for example  they were to muck around - regarding edge....they have found a way to control edge and hack through it.....and so i keep a sharp eye upon 'edge' files - before i go online....brenda's program throws them out onto desktop, now and then....check out the following links...all of which can be problematic if you don't delete etc etc....it was japanese intelligence who had first taught me about the first two - at warwick...before 'edge' came along:



C:\Users\newuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default

anyway, i don't think that the following is entirely the right advice from google...lol....do you?

oh and there's more...'fab-rik-am', anybody?

anyway, the following looks interesting....local computer policy and templates...except that i don't have windows 10...now where did i find templates again, upon windows 7?...and yes, that BI polish team had used 'templates' let us say...go figure:

i'll have a look at that, later on:

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