Wednesday 23 November 2022

 ....oh and in relation to 'crappy' throwing those overboard.....i.e. those who had lied about being good at 'the maths', let us say....and that will be a considerable number of them, won't it....not just so let me see.....perhaps you need to have a look at the following netflix series - dazzlenation....i've watched the last episode which appears to be 'wishful thinking'...and that is because in reality - none of them escape the net, let us say...more that a 'titanic' reference?...nota bene - it's all a bit 'titanic' and will continue to be, until i get my money 'happy families' and no 'happy endings' for any of them...quite the reverse, in point of fact....and things are just going to get worse and worse until i see some 'service' around here, let us say....and regarding networked 'tooth torture'?...two can play at that game....see previous posts....go figure:

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Dazzlenation (

......personally, i think that they should all wake up before the 'coffee' kicks in, dazzlenation...fried bats, sewer rats....shot up with adrenalin....oh and that pentagon 'special' i.e. jugged hares....more of an oven affair, let us say:

and if we take this a little bit further, dazzlenation - regarding that movie 'slumberland'...we have rowling type with 'christmas pig' piano with CF...until he ends up 'down the sewers'.....mark r's substitution system (that 'rockefeller/prometheus' element) then serves up chris o' dowd....who doesn't appear to be happy about any of it and let's face it - who would?.....framed up as the cowardly brother.....and there's more...rowling type has 'ingabot teeth', let us say....additionally, there is a reference to not only her but also to tomlinson's erstwhile fiance, in looks (and you know what happened to her - went by the name of 'lynne guyver' whilst at warwick etc etc) well as a 'pink leather jacket' reference to another lookalike type....i.e. the young woman (ms rause) who had rented me that manningtree flat...turned up with younger's son (the one that then died in a motorbike crash)...small world, isn't it?....anyway, when the ill cult do tends to be writ large, let us much money to throw at expense spared...instead of doing what is quite obviously necessary.....i.e. repayment in full:

additionally, moore had put the following photo in a reminder of ms rause, for some reason:

and yes i am assuming that he had left the above link in - see pic below....because he had wanted to have a look at the finances of 'nationwide', let us say...along with a masonic 77 reference...the bus and the pus, eh? very unfunny - see previous posts....anyway, a scan has just revealed that moore had said that it had to be nationwide, for some reason...."he'd been looking at rodway's finances" replies BI online:

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