Saturday 26 November 2022

 ....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?...well, let's begin with toddy....who had hacked the islamic 'maths' code, let us say - see previous posts regarding what the morgan family had been up to via the banque centrale du yemen etc etc....anyway, the missive that he was to send me...sounded like 'dr seuss' gobbledygook.....well, it did to mcdonald and SC....and so i then told them that we had better wait until he turned up in person, to explain etc which time, i had worked out what he had been up see, what he had sent had been meant for caroline hughes' eyes was a language code - relating to what symbols she should note was not an explanation, of how he had done it, at all....i.e. she wouldn't know - she would simply input it....anyway, when he did turn up, at last...he simply dumped a microscope upon my desk and told me to study a grain of sand....and then walked off, why had he been so unhelpful, let us say?...well, this was around about the time when they were all addicted to blood opiates...."human foetuses" replies BI online....which is why, having hacked the whole thing, myself...i kept quiet about it....let them assume that i was still puzzling over it all etc etc...later on i went upstairs to talk to david, about which time i had put a console together 'on the quiet'...i was  to tell him to keep it between ourselves....a sort of oasis/oracle in the desert...oh and if he were to tell CF for example, he would probably end up dead, as a consequence...a bit of a 'blood gold' number...bowie had been the only person that i could trust, by that point in time...and so we took it from there etc etc...and yes, you appear to be upon what bowie-did-next in switzerland - dazzlenation....along with his young son, who had come to stay with him, at the time...his son had been very fond of a certain member of his staff.....who was then found dead in the a consequence of an ill cult hack....nothing i could do about it.....this is something around your roadrunner number....i could keep myself safe, within a certain environment and those around me....but not those outside of that zone....and yes, we were all under attack from 'acme', let us say....bowie was then to give his son a lecture about how mathematicians were key to everything - regarding safety and security....and that is because his son had asked why it had been her and not myself etc etc....go figure.

Dazzlenation (

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