Thursday, 17 November 2022

....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?...let me see....yes, the aaron services ltd 'supervisor' will call round tomorrow morning, at some point....i've emailed them back about either using a fob key or calling me when they get there....i cannot be bothered to turn that intercom back on (from 'mute') because it screams so much feedback and the RGE electrician had said that there was nothing that he could do about it....anyway, tomorrow morning will be 'day 3' of recovery from a double-extraction and i am still feeling a bit 'zonked out'.....but not that bad...oh and let me backtrack now - regarding dentistry....remember tomlinson and 'satanic sarah' at the manningtree dentistry?...well, he had known that the now-extracted tooth i.e. upper layer first molar (UL6) was infected....and as far back as 2003...additionally, he also knew that the tooth next to it - nearer to the front, was also infected....anyway, 'aya' was to um and ah about taking them both out....seeing as she was already taking a tooth out upon the lower layer (LR6) then decide to leave the tooth next to that first molar, in....hmmm...i'll have to ask her to do something about 'that one'....because it is now painful when i tap it and there is a slight 'throbbing' pain above....but not nearly as bad as that molar tooth, which has now gone....oh and 'aya', whilst showing me the X-rays...was to show me that the infection from that molar had now reached the nasal cavities, high up over the mouth and stop the brain and abscess time - or maybe 'sepsis' perhaps? you see just how 'close' this has all been and why i had to do something about it - despite not having any money to do so - dazzlenation? the hands of those deadbrain robots who think that they can torture me into working for free, again...making the 'magic' i.e. the maths, work for them, again etc etc....nothing doing...i'd rather die...additionally, 'aya' had known all about the deadbrains in likud, let us say....regarding their 'likud crystals'....and having a working brain - naturally, she had been against what they were up to...and still up to, as far as i can see....remember the LCD screens and that new boiler?....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...go figure:

what do i care, dazzlenation?...if i die...and that is because 'the knowledge' goes with me....leaving behind a world full of pathetic, diseased bullying deadbrain robos...hell-bent on maintaining their sick 'n' satanic cult, whilst the programs put in to knock them out, tier after tier etc, me worry?...i have a soul...i'll be in another dimension by that point in time...a 'better world' let us i have said before - i've done all i had to do, a long time ago....a very successful life, let us say and everything to be proud of...kicking in on the timer system and not one of them can stop it goes, eh?

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