Saturday, 28 May 2016

yesterday I was to watch REVERSAL OF FORTUNE to remember the following....
...and it began with 'till lady' on board a yacht...a band of women upon it, as far as i know...and they had been blown off course....and were heading for ATHOS island...they were running short of water and the following type of conversation was to ensue....'we'll land on the island'...'wait a minute - my guidebook says that women are not...'....'well, they're christians aren't they? surely they will help us' etc etc.... upon that island...a small band of monks were RA CULT followers - unbeknownst to the rest of them...royal arch freemasons get in everywhere, don't they? anyway, as the winds of misfortune would have it...the yacht ended up close to a deserted, rocky part of the island...some of the women then went ashore to be met by that band of monks....the leader of that band of monks...appears to have been russian....and he knew all about mind control programming...

remember - till lady yesterday? she had emphasised the importance of the year 1980....the year of that MI5 russian course - during which, we were put on that 'masonic awards' around-the-world-in-80-days 'horrorshow' trip....which had included ODYSSEUS MEETS CIRCE-ON-HER-ISLAND programming...the young men were then 'turned into pigs' etc know how it goes...anyway, the monk was to wonder what to do with them all....the women appeared to have discovered what he was really up to (one or more of them had been MI5/RUSSIAN/mkultra programmed?) ....and so he did a 'reversal' of ODYSSEUS/CIRCE...where he was the 'great magician on the island' and they were odysseus and his men....and he turned them all into 'fishes'...and sent them packing....

the goth gang were to learn of the then decide to program those women with REVERSAL OF FORTUNE....let me talk you through this in 'snips' from the film...

first up....there is a 'fishy' painting 'on the stairs'....

additionally the 'cleverest of them all'...out of the professor's law students...are a couple of goths....

next up - gill was then approached 'independently' and asked what he thought of the whole thing...well in order to begin his inquiry in relation to a 'private investigation'...he would need to remember the following....on the timer system this morning....let me put it this way...somebody hadn't been sure....which bathroom floor 'sunny' had been found on....and which planetary 'influence' had been in operation, no doubt....and yes, i suppose that we are now talking about the real case....and so yes, that is why i had talked about O J SIMPSON's case, yesterday and in relation to....but that's not the whole picture is it - let's add mind control and drugging....along with microchipping, memory modification...and of course, gill had wanted to know which 'planet' i.e. radio frequency had been involved....

what else? well dazzlenation was to dig something up relation to SOE kamikaze 'goth rats'....the self-destruct button....something to do with VAROITUS and SUOMI?

what else? "Essie had played the magician/circe in the Goths' re-run of events" replies MI5 ONLINE.


the image below was to interest me...firstly it was to remind me of GOOGLE know when you see that 'black line' on the road...or black lines in the skies...the stitching together of images..."and the stitch up"...."in two minds"...
somebody had left a 'cuckoo clock'' sonny's house...reminded me of Inga holding one up and saying "we're all CUCKOO in here!"...her cuckoo clock house...go figure...hmmm...and I was to wonder why 'sunny' played by glenn close...was to remind me so much of kate wood...

and dazzlenation has a bit more to add 'visually' this morning...anyway, the inference is - gill...that if you conduct this private investigation and the information then goes public....that goth gang will try to frame-you-up and get you imprisoned...relating to 'tapes'? watch the film to 'get' that one...
"it won't (go public)" is the firm answer to the above...go figure.


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