Monday 30 May 2016

...what else, gill?

remember sue whalley's wedding...and how sue and her husband had hidden the car? Helen candy and deb mcd had found a carpark off the Coventry road (outside of a certain pub)? the reception had taken place at Solihull civic hall....

sue had expressively forbidden them to 'attach cans' to the car....Helen and deb had defied her instructions....and then taken me and Helen rodway to see what they had done...I had a cheap camera..they then took a photo of me in front of that was all very important, wasn't it - were to say afterwards that I should have asked you along instead of rodway as my laughed so hard about it all, later on....

so what had been going on, there? well first of all...the lunch was a sit-down affair....supposedly in a square...but more like a rectangle...sue's paedophile father gave a speech etc etc...oh and Rachel Humphries was there (the girl 'most hated' by sue at school - isn't that odd?)....and after the lunch...sue's paedophile uncle and his wife 'ida' were to be extremely rude to me....he then dumped icing and marzipan upon my plate - apparently he didn't like the stuff....

what else? oh before the lunch had begun (I hadn't been invited to the ceremony - not a church wedding - a civic one?) sue had spent most of the time sewing sequins upon her front of the wedding guests as they came in...chatting to rodway and myself....the 'see quins'...this was all about spotting the masonic paedophile cult at work...and her uncle had been the ringleader....

what else? this was all about breaking a circuit..."an MOD circuit - royal arch freemasons" replies MI5 ONLINE....that wrecked-angle of a wedding lunch..."her husband had been a royal arch freemasonry - he was to continue to use sue sexually - in a child alter" that is what it had been all about....

and at Essex was all to come up again...including the fact that 'antony colin' had also been invited to that wedding....and if we are going to take one more skeleton out of that cupboard....i'll have to talk about how sue and her mother had previously gone to Ireland to meet up with antony....her mother still had hopes that sue would marry antony...antony was to take them to a masonic venue....where he and his teenage friends were to perform a little 'line dance' on stage...after which...the men seated at small round tables, around that hall...were to go up to the stage...'pick and boy' and take him to a backroom....'cuppies'....under-age....masonic paedophile ring....antony was to go up to sue and her mother's table at the back "antony - you're wearing lipstick!"...and yes the CIA LAB were to gain the full footage of 'that number' which antony replied flatly that he was now gay....i.e. did she require any further explanation as to why he was not going to marry her daughter? etc etc...go figure...

that photo....taken so many decades ago, now...

cars outside of belle court, this bank holiday morning....what else? one of that paedo/masonic gang...was to pass me by on west I was walking back from M&S...passing by argos...he had one of those black onyx rings upon his little finger....a rough-looking character....a bit like sue's uncle...go figure...

oh and a password was to come up again, gill...."new cars new toys"....newcars newtoys...nuke newt.....nuke newt arsoys....? arroys?

BLOGGER will now no longer allow me to post...having turned on 'spambot'...go figure:

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