Tuesday 31 May 2016


last night I had an odd dream about a 'school'...quasi-collie had been in charge....and she was at her wits' end...the children were skipping lessons all over the place and nothing appeared to be able to stop them...until somebody suggested 'reverse psychology'...along the lines of - enable them to skip any lesson that they choose...all they would have to do would be to fill in a slip to say that they were skipping that lesson...to then go and sit in an empty classroom, dinner hall, or play games outside etc etc....and so after a lecture upon how important an education was but on the other hand - if a pupil didn't want it - then they didn't have to have it...classes regained their 100% attendance....apart from 'sickness notes'...go figure....

I have no idea how well the above would work in the real world...and seeing as quasi-collie had featured in my dream...well, it wasn't about the real world - was it? this was something to do with manipulating 'child alters' upon the other side of the mirror...go figure...

"and it goes hand in hand with PRIVATE EYE's..." replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, Cameron's 'free school'...go figure...

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