jane hamsher, gill?
I'm beginning to see what this is all about now... a reminder of jane hamsher...
...and that grey top....MI5 jon could remember what this was all about...the evening that kate wood had decided to 'break the rules' and have a cigarette in the prague DTO staffroom....the bosses along with reception staff had gone home by that point...nobody to tell tales...just kate, jon and myself...little colin then walked in...and demanded my grey top - so very like the one below...he often used to do 'that'...my teeshirts etc were always a bit too small on him - and he liked to show off his physique...."that looks better on me than it does on you" replies MI5 ONLINE...well, I'm not sure if he was being that mean...it was more a case of 6 year old wanting attention off 8 year old...anyway, kate was jealous...a bit of a 'sue whalley' in that way...she was then to describe CF as 'ineluctable' as she lit up a cigarette...go figure...
and CF's 'grey puma' alter....on stage at dartington...whilst I was doing 'flamingo'...it was all 'impro' and I wasn't quite sure what little colin was up to...'rhino in the mud'?....waving his bottom in the air...whilst moving aggressively around what appeared to be a sort of pond area, centre stage....in fact he was rather worrying me...as I stood in the background 'tall and elegant' wiggling my bottom now and then (and yes that is important because this was something about 'sex slave' alters) - whilst looking over my shoulder - because it would have been too dangerous to turn my back....anyway, I queried what he had been up to, afterwards...a big cat apparently..."a puma or something like that..."...
anyway, PKW/Robert webb was to pick up on the above....to then 'out' CF's Russian alter as being a 'grey puma' one...
...are you sure it was 'kazit', robert...or was that the CID man's Russian alter (who had been wearing a blue suit) - whilst working for Norwegian intelligence...at the frandon hotel...see previous notes...
as far as I can remember....CF had a Slavic name...the equivalent of 'christian'....krizian...something like that?
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