...the lady at the CRUK shop till, today...had seen all three 3 dvds...that i was to purchase this morning...she was to particularly approve of QUARTET, nodding somewhat dramatically...definitely "worth it" -apparently..... although, for my own part - i had thought twice, about choosing to buy it....a bit too 'dartington' i suppose - in relation to the frontcover.
and..."a cover-up" replies MI5 ONLINE...exactly...what the public sees or imagines - in terms of what used to go on during the dartington music festival (see previous notes upon john varro and jane fitzgerald in charge of the videoing of that festival - 1989)....and if an annual music festival still goes on at dartington, to this day....well - who knows 'what goes on behind the scenes' eh?....with or without the likes of varro/fitzgerald/the writing tutor etc etc..."the irish nazi party"...oh and what about the 'nazi party' within dartington art department circa 1989, eh?...because NAZI is a euphemism...for the warring factions of the NWO ill cult - isn't it?....anyway, in 1989 -jane fitzgerald and the theatre department staff, in general...had taken my case against the art department, to the board of governors - of that college and won...and so.....whatever faction, those people had been a member of.....NWO 'nazis/communist/joos' etc etc or whatever else you might want to classify that group of mkultra programmed slaves, as....i will always be grateful for 'that one' - for standing up for me - and stopping the art department from 'getting away with it'....see previous notes...for the 'full story' behind that one...which continues today...or rather in 'recent history'...with CF on the ellen show...talking about cakes and forbidden videos - videos that the public will never see....go figure.
what else?....THE JONES movie on dvd and also REVERSAL OF FORTUNE....and in relation to the latter....the CRUK shop lady 'at the till' appeared to know all about that 1980 case but didn't want to spoil the film for me, by telling me 'too much'....anyway, apparently 'sunny' is still alive and in a coma....the lady then put her face up close to mine..."but she will never ever come out of that coma"...she stated firmly - with her face so close to mine and she had opened her eyes to a remarkable degree - unblinking - a bit like the eyes of an owl-in-daylight (i didn't flinch - i have worked with 'learning disability people' before now - see previous notes) ...
anyway, i was to note just how dilated her pupils were...which is 'not normal' upon a sunny day....CRUK shop till lady then remarked upon how odd it was that the family had kept 'sunny' alive...as if she couldn't quite understand the decision to do so...implying that they had 'something to do with it'....but wasn't going to tell me 'what'....
anyway, i was to wonder what was going on...."you will grit your teeth (whilst watching the film)" the lady was to tell me......
what else? well, all in all - i was to wonder what was going on because CRUK SHOP till lady - was to remind me a bit, of dr jenny ramsey...and of being drugged by ramsey at the houghton surgery and then shown a page of ramsey's diary (blank entries) and instructed to remember the 'day and 'doctor day'...so....had ramsey been one of his proteges?....a bit like those freudian psychoanalysists, who cluster around the original 'core' following of freud?...had ramsey been part of a 'cluster' around doctor day?
....my parents certainly had been...the whole 'mkultra manual' horror...during the 60s...go figure....the adults 'in charge' of us children, in the 60s, blackheath...those adults...most of them - had obtained one of those mkultra manuals (or had access to one)...it wasn't just toddy....perhaps he had photocopied manuals for quite a few of them? who knows, eh?
"recruitment to his NWO socialist/communist style of nazism" replies MI5 ONLINE....you mean totalitarian new world order?
....there are lots of names for 'wanting to rule the world' aren't there?....in a political dictionary...but often as not, it just boils down to 'one thing'...i.e. wanting everybody else to 'do it your way'....which isn't perhaps the healthiest way for the entire world to be - is it?...or else 'brave new world' here we come...
....even 'the daddy rockefeller' was to have a rethink upon 'that one'...along with amadeus - whilst travelling around south america....because it would be so boring if everybody were the same...walking in 'military style' and doing the same 'salutes' in unison...wouldn't it?
....armies are armies...they have to do it...but do civilian populations have to be the same?
what else?
i have noted that the BBC have been doing quite a bit of 'british intelligence' work...and in relation to, how shall i put it....a new word perhaps?...the 'militarisation' of children - in relation to 'encouraging them to be spies' (a bit too 'stasi' and '1984' for my liking)....and all i have to say to those children is - go spy upon those who abuse you...verbally, emotionally, physically, psychologically....forget the enid blyton bit, about reporting upon 'likely terrorists' etc etc...unless you are really sure...."mcgowan's watching the flat" etc etc....and even then...well, see previous notes as to why 'conducting the investigation yourself' into a 'crackhouse' - and as very young children, who are basically just after 'sweeties' - might be a really, really 'bad idea'....
what else? well in summary...the CRUK shop till lady had figured that QUARTET was 'the one to watch' but i still have no idea, as yet....as to 'why'....
oh and she was to talk about the O J SIMPSON case...apparently the DNA evidence had proved without a doubt etc etc "have you read the book?" (well, no - i was on the 'frontline'/'chalkface' - whatever you want to call it - at the time of that 'frame-up') - oh and she was also to mention that O J SIMPSON had been let out of prison, recently to perform an 'armed robbery' - as if that were particularly 'significant'.....and that he would be 'let out' next year and wasn't that scary?
...anyway, she appeared to have conflated the 'blonde victim' with herself.....along with 'sunny' in QUARTET...and her identification with both victims, had interested me...and do you know what - for a brief second...i was to think "are you sunny?"...."will you never wake up?"...."have i come across the real 'sunny'?" "what are you up to MI5? - to have put her in here, today - at the CRUK shop - sunny is not really a coma then, eh? she's alive and well in the CRUK shop but without memories" etc etc......to then, immediately think the better of it....having noted her 'drugged' pupils and rather 'strange demeanour'....to then wonder why 'till lady' had identified with both victims....
...and so what had 'till lady' identified with - in relation to those two victims and to that degree....both 'beyootiful blondes' perhaps?....in relation to my mother and what i shall now call 'beyootiful blonde syndrome'?
something around 'tilly and tiller'....a shipping reference, is coming up now....till lady had been HOLLIDAY programmed as a 'tiller' (a boating term reference for orientation) and 'atilla'...go figure....still on the 'roman vs barbarians program', then?
"tiller...attila....they'll never get it" ed gyde had told his mates...."genius"....
"and the flotilla (FLO-till-A) - the cash till flow" replies MI5 ONLINE....funny that...because till lady was having big problems 'working the till' this morning...somebody came up behind her, to ask her if she needed help....but she was to manage to 'work out' how to use it, in the end....i was third in the queue, at the time....whilst looking at other things, around the shop - to pass the time...
.....the tilting and the tiller, gill? along with the attila role within the whole roman vs barbarians program?
...a bit like a copy of the taschmann's nudging program.....the 'push it a bit further but not that much' job....in relation to genetic 'twins' and doubles...stand-ins....and also substitutions-upon-the-system etc etc.....
oh i am now 'getting' what this is all about....you see pat andrew had also come to mind....in relation to 'her family doing her in'...in pat's case...it had been her brother....see previous notes upon 'the right of attorney'....and so i would guess, although i do not know....that 'till lady' has 'something like that' within her past...go figure....
you see, when you use...how shall i put it....those who have read my blog for long enough, will know....when i talk about using the 'talmuddic style' to understand a text or situation....till lady will have been upon "one side or the other" replies MI5 ONLINE...exactly that....she will have been 'one of the family' who had abused...."or abused herself"....and which one, is the more likely, eh?
...all i know so far...having scanned a bit further...is that 'till lady' had got on the wrong side of that goth mob...for whatever reasons.....and that she had been on the side of 'abusive family' regarding a certain 'victim'....who will have been, presumably one of that original 'goth sect'...go figure....and what else can i say? but the 'rights and the wrongs of'...all of it...are way beyond my 'ken' without a lot more information and data....but that is not my job here, is it? i have identified the key source...of all of it (whatever anybody had wanted to 'remember' or be 'reminded of' today)...and that is all i am going to say, upon the matter.
GILL ONLINE - this morning...he had been watching all of the cctv in the CRUK shop and had been particularly interested in a certain 'woman'...and yes, as soon as i had entered the shop...."a mrs browne type"....a 'helen brown' type.....had been looking at clothes on a rack...dyed black hair....she had been checking me out...scanning me....she didn't necessarily even need to 'look' - did she?...but she had been the 'ominous presence' throughout....you are quite right, gill.....'somebody', who had then stood behind me, in the till queue...to pick up upon my conversation with till lady...to then reinforce her 'fears/beliefs' about O J SIMPSON.....go figure....because that was the last thing, that l i was to hear...before i left the shop....with a 'metaphorical' shrug of my shoulders, whilst smiling....because i honestly cannot be 'doing with' any of it.....until i have more information upon what i am actually dealing with....go figure.
...and do you know what? i had supposed, at first.....during this morning's incident - see above....but......let us go back in time now...to when the first of those 'similar incidents were to happen'....i.e. when i first began to write my blog and put it up upon the internet.....incidents - where i was made to think that...i'll continue this later....in another post....
"whitehall at work" replies MI5 ONLINE.
little colin...MI5 JON.....JACQUI CARROLL.....the people who were 'adept' at getting their own back 'undercover'....they never bad-mouthed anybody....never said a disparaging word - about anybody......unless in jest...as a 'joke' and immediately 'took it back' afterwards.....
JON was to advise me....that 'saying what you thought' about somebody else to others....i.e. 'bitching' was probably the wrong way to go....
if somebody had wronged you...to the extent that you wanted 'a change in the situation'....to prevent further abuse.....bitching about them behind their back and then openly saying it to their face and then taking your revenge, in terms of 'doing what they had done to you - back to them' and then telling them not to do what they had done to you again "you see how you like it?"....was most probably the 'wrong way to go'....
...and so why not try the old, tried and trusted technique of 'bitching about nobody' within your environment...and then if somebody really hurts you by 'whatever' that they might have said or done....the old technique of getting your own back 'on the quiet'.....is so easy...and you can 'destroy' that person...whilst all around you say "but jon/jacqui/colin had never said a bad word about them - how can they be on the list of suspects?" in relation to 'whatever 'crime' had been committed etc etc....go figure.
...is this all about that 'goth group' then?....and if so, how?
"cleverer than most" replies BI ONLINE.
Saturday, 28 May 2016
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