Wednesday, 24 February 2016

this morning i was to go into M&S to see two sickos...two of bobby's mob and apparently in M&S management...oh and that ill cult M&S assistant who had been 'great friends with lee'....well she was helping an old lady down an aisle 'by the arm' i walked by and scanned her (a good samaritan act? i think not - why not follow that one up, BI?)...the lady had no need to be helped and she didn't appear to know that M&S assistant 'personally'...anyway, that long-faced M&S assistant (who has now streaked her dark hair blonde) was thinking "bobby's mob will finish you, today"...really? you know who is 'out to get bobby's mob'? the CIA, the italian mob, the pentagon to name but a few...and all bobby's mob have as a remoteviewer is 'mandy'..."a little gold-digger" according to michael clayton...who had refused to marry her...and i would imagine that their daughter is 'much the same'....see previous notes upon michael and his daughter ganging up on my parents at number 11, central maltings..."torturing and reprogramming them"...anyway, all bobby's mob have got is one wired mermaid..."a bit like one working satellite/aerial"...against 'how many' in the US military? go figure......i then realised that it was bobby's mob who were delusional and not myself...and that thought, began to make me even made me laugh stupid, how sad these...."backward people, are" replies MI5 can finish nearly all of my sentences, can't you?...when i get a bit stuck, that is...which helps to keep this blog 'cohesive and coherent' instead of me rambling on and on....and not quite pinning it down...what i want to say, that is....A BUNCH OF AMATEURS.....ha ha ha...see previous notes upon that movie title and the 'radio ipswich' reference to bobby's network.


what else? i was to remember daldry telling me "let sleeping dogs lie" at that prague BC party 1995....and i was to reply along the lines of "i don't think that anybody should be allowed to lie" that point in relation to what we were remoteviewing....."dependent on context" replies MI5 ONLINE....exactly....and that context today, regards the following:

if i do not reply to my mother's 'emotional request' for me to phone her...."she will try to organise another social worker lynching mob"....exactly....and so even though i do not want to play 'kick the dog awake' (an alternative version to the more well-known 'kick the dog' scenario - see previous notes upon that psychology book THE GAMES PEOPLE PLAY)....i cannot allow 'the dog' to spread lies, about me - now, can i?...."and rumour-monger" replies the CID you've been watching the case, the whole thing...including my mother's 'movements' have you?..."everything"...of course, you would have done - and not just those of the deranged uncle michael clayton, then?

i will therefore compose an email to send her, today....keeping it light, of course....she was not asked to give an explanation of my father's behaviour and i do not want one from you see where i am going with this? if anybody has any explaining to do - it is him....and i will give him 'all the time in the world' to do it....

oh - an important father is keeping a close eye upon things....this morning i was to check my bank account at the find out that he has already refunded the £27...go figure.

so how do i politely exclude my mother from the arena....whilst being polite and 'gentle' with somebody who has clearly not deprogrammed...somebody who still has that 'i-am-a-beyootful blonde' NORWEGIAN chuckie doll alter, in operation...that 'evil child alter' which comes out, when i touch upon certain things, that norwegian intelligence wouldn't have wanted me to....."nazi-norwegian-socialist worker intelligence" laughs BI ONLINE...."a norwegian intelligence defence system" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, anyway.....i can remember now....inga had had both my mother and sophie wyss in the 'front room' of 14 st bernards...both chanting "i am a beautiful blonde! i am a beautiful blonde!" in front of her....over and over again - in order to make the pair of them identify with ingabot - whom inga had stationed - at the back of an armchair, by the window, to watch everything that she was doing (i suppose that the infant registered 'something' but i am not sure what - inga was to do the same with her ingabot, whilst torturing alyssa's mother - see previous notes)...anyway, ingabot was of junior school age, by that point in time - but let me just say this...her legs still didn't even reach off of the armchair, never mind hang over the edge of it i.e. still a large fat 'baby' in physical terms, though...and yet, at 6/7 years old - hardly a normal 'growth' pattern eh?..."a large blob at the back of the armchair - we've seen the cctv"...okay, let me continue...

...anyway, it should have been patently obvious to the pair of them - i.e. my mother and sophie wyss - and just by 'old photos' - that neither of them were or had been blondes, unless at a very, very young age - i.e. as babies or something like that....although, my mother's earliest photo of herself, suggests that she had had very dark hair, as a baby/toddler....go figure.

...see previous notes upon the ill having used some sort of...."animal farm sheep-dip" replies MI5 ONLINE...upon sophie wyss' long grey plait...they were to dye the end of it, a bright and unseemly greenish/yellow (my mother was to use henna upon her greying mid-forties hair, to similar effect)....anyway - let's backtrack, sophie wyss 'in her dotage' was to tell me that she had been a 'beyootiful blonde' when young....and that her husband had described her hair as a 'field of ripening corn'....and what can one say to that, in retrospect? except that....well, considering the fact that her husband (captain gyde/scott mackay of MI5/SOE) had gone missing, after WWII and sophie wyss was to take me, with her - to a certain 'LONDON police HQ' where she was interviewed about that 'disappearance' (this was in the late 60s) along the lines of 'has he contacted you...a letter a phone call?' etc etc....oh fill in the details for yourself upon 'that one'....


okay, i've gone off track again...simply to record and re-record details that i think are pertinent to the inquiry...i am now reminded of 'david icke's books' where he repeats everything that he has said before - 'almost' the next book, that his publishing company is then to release onto the market....and i am not arguing the case for 'interdimensional space lizards' that is all i can say...but i can see why he does it...a bit like giving a synopsis of the previous episode upon 'doctor who' etc etc....

however, i am talking about something far worse...."even though, paradoxically it is the same thing" replies BI ONLINE...and something that the pentagon and CIA had known about 'so many years ago now' but it has taken this long 'due to so many factors' to get the whole operation, going....let us say....see previous notes upon caitlin, bill clinton's illegitimate daughter, high up in the CIA etc etc....identifying the 'norwegian christmas tree' and 'norwegian intelligence threat' relation to alerting US intelligence to 'the whole thing'...what more can i say?


....and a roundabout tour, relation to my concerns 'on the ground' ha ha ha...the micro and the macro...which runs along the lines of:

'how do i stop my mother from claiming that i have not contacted her, by telephone - as she had requested, within her left message upon my mobile - in order to engage me in...."an emotional row" replies BI emotional and upsetting row - which will disturb me, as a vulnerable person - far more than it would or could ever 'upset' her...."she is that calculated".

....and there is mother will claim that i must be 'mad' not to contact her - she had previously used 'that one' in relation to the NHS and 'not replying to dubious 'caller with-held numbers' calls' in harwich....although i had kept in touch with my surgery by email, throughout that whole horror....see previous notes upon scarlett's 'robot moll doll - petrol nell' moving into flat 1, of the same building (eagle house, west street) with all of her 'haut de la garenne' furniture....including a 'baby pickling barrel' that had been used during that 'south of france' templar castle function 'so many years ago now' - as run by japanese intelligence...go figure.

anyway, what more can i say? i am too bored and tired to edit this post (i will do later on, when i can be bothered - i put stuff up as posts - and as a daily diary, simply to 'keep safe' everyday - see previous notes)......

but i must talk about 'this one' before 'leaving off....

after having sent mother sees as a 'threat' to her husband (in relation to DR O H B GYDE trying to frame me up for so many things - whilst trying to take 'power of attorney' for bobby's mob, in order to steal - see previous notes)....i.e. that polite email asking him to explain himself - in relation to hanni's will....

i have to write an email 'in return' don't i?

something around?

Dear mum,

i am so glad to hear that you have finally sold the house and have found one, across the road.

Keep me in touch with all of the details, won't you?



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