Saturday 27 February 2016

oh and who is 'mark passerby'?...because for some reason...that tiny photo was to immediately remind me of the latest PRIVATE EYE...and a pisstake of somebody that appears to be 'not right' in many ways...a bit of a 'doge dog' perhaps?

ROBERT MACFARLANE...'as told to craig brown'....go figure....'craig brown' is a CIA reference.

oh I remember now....bobby's gang had considered him as 'one of them'....

"what a tosser" replies MI5 ONLINE....
according to PRIVATE EYE he has a great liking for the TALMUDDY...oh sorry, I meant to type 'mud'....
SILT anybody?...what's his job again? sorry I meant to type 'academic discipline'...
"In Silt, bestselling travel writer Robert Macfarlane walks the Broomway, the deadliest path in Britain. ..."
oh I see...he is bobby's main 'radio witch' in Cambridge....I remember'd better check out his AGC codes, immediately CIA - or there'll be even more trouble down your 'pipeline' because he has been 'put in' to hack it....go figure

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