Sunday 28 February 2016

'the grouting'....and that masonic reference 'papering over the cracks' in lenny's case...."filling in the cement upon a holocaust memorial" replies MI5 ONLINE..."building a new nazi camp"....what am i talking about here? it is a computer reference - an ill cult computer program...all about OEDIPUS REX/sigmund freud do i explain 'this one'?... i'll begin at the beginning...

...and it begins with a ROOM....

....a locked room in what was commonly known as the 'theatre department' building at solihull 6th form...a room that was filled with green plants and what gill was to call "mesopotamian - i dunno - an early period"...imitation semitic-looking sculptures in a sort of sandstone to make them look like relics dug out of the desert....

....i was still at langley seniors at the time...on the radio desk...i tuned in to have a chat with gill 'on the quiet'...he told me that i had to get to solihull 6th form college as a matter of urgency...i caught a bus to the centre and asked for directions through the park...once at the college...i had to ask for directions again, to the theatre department...the ill cult programmers had left gill and his mates in a room...they were 'off their heads'....(it was lunch-time - their programmers had gone off to lunch and left them there, alone)....gill was projecting a small statue...which looked like a sort of 'minimalist giraffe' was on the side, behind him....they had been programmed as the CERAMICA...'see ram 'e' car'....i managed to wake gill up....he then woke up the others...they were to escape across the park...gill however, decided to go back with me..."you have to know what they've done"...he showed me a hubbly bubbly and a bright spot light...he turned it of the teachers was to turn up in the doorway...gill shone the spotlight at him from behind a plant and began to laugh and shout at the man...alarmed, i threw a chair through the window...this was always important in terms of 'conceptual escape' from a programming session...not to be locked into a room....rooms doubled up as 'pockets of memory' along with 'frozen alters in time'....we then ran out of the door...later on More was to find out what we had done....he was over the moon...he was to call me the 'scarlett woman' for a laugh....glory days, eh? was all downhill after that one...see previous notes upon 1979/80 and the MI5 russian course...and then "back in the jug agane" wonder i hadn't wanted to go to solihull 6th form first experience of it, had been horrific...and i never ever liked going into the drama department, i might add...always a 'fear' the back of my mind...go figure...."memory-dumped again"....

anyway, gill and more were to do a couple of things as memory aids...firstly gill was to form a heavy metal band called OEDIPUS REX....oh and before i forget...this is how the programming session had gone..."you have to murder your father because you are in love with your mother" various replies...and then "no it is not my fuck-up, is not an individual is universal...true for all mankind" etc etc... up, More and the taschmanns were to get a grip on grandma clayton...they used to operate 'in and around' suffolk...and knew the fishwicks quite well....they were to program her on 'e' say "that is satisfactory"....a pun upon 'saatchi's factory' relation to that OEDIPUS REX program...."a god program"...exactly that....see previous notes upon nazi lord hume programming with 'much the same sort of thing' at the MI imperial hotel, jerusalem...the lectern, the hubbly bubbly and the blazing spotlight...."nazi joo"....

oh and grandpa clayton was puzzled as to why grandma always used to say that, after the mother was also to laugh about it..."she never says 'good' or well done, or 'excellent'...everything is always 'satisfactory'...."

...what else? gill was to tell me to remember the following...sylvia wood had a boyfriend in greece..."a muslim family"....his family had refused to let them many years...."decades" later....she was to get in contact...she was going on holiday to greece with heather kempson...her ex-boyfriend told her that he would arrange for the best hotel upon a certain island...naturally they bugged the place out, to see what would happen....gill was to tell me to remember ITHACA...IF-A-CAR....along with ODYSSEUS....OH-DEE-SEE-US....go figure....continuing on the greek theme, you understand....remember grandpa clayton and his 'IF'...desiderata poem....'if' he were a good man, then...."the conditional"....

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