Monday 29 February 2016

...what else? well I was to find a 'stone on the beach' during my then go to M& order to buy a few things....I was to get the till of 'lazy cat-laser eyes-see-through the bank of england' after queueing for the 'fast tills'.....see previous notes upon that dyed blonde trying to pass herself off, as another upon the staff - the Marianne faithful lookalike......anyway, she was 'on-the-till' and after having had a look at the stone 'in the bottom of my M&S bag, as she was packing it....she noted the 'markings'.... MAR-KINGS......go figure......

anyway, if NASA are interested in 'images' that might be used during a 'photoshop' order to explain...the next cosmic 'whatever'....go figure....

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