Wednesday, 24 February 2016

outer space music?

"lost recordings emerge" that right?

"mission control can then see...what happened when you were round the backside"....a bit like using the prague Rothschild's 'balance toy' and fishing behind you?

and my 'hunch' about all of this?...if you search the house for various items...including children's might find the 'instruments' upon which that eerie music had been see I have just had the footage back of one of the ill holding what looked a bit like a bicycle pump but not...found in the garage?....found somewhere in or around arley any rate...the rest of them had similar 'make music' upon....and you know what...this is all reminding me of that 'Langley seniors' music project....set in our first year there...'make your own instrument'...see previous notes...

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