Monday 25 January 2016

what else? I was to watch those two films-on-dvd...see previous notes....MAGNOLIA turned out to be particularly interesting....and in relation to the MOSSAD coding out the ending....the ending was to relate to finding david bowie in that 'jerusalem' residence (see previous notes upon Sharon having coded it all out - the woman seated by the gate etc etc)....along with "it's raining toads"...a reference to satanic Zionists and their Armageddon program...think menachim begin...think 'cousin clara' and rita, in Switzerland etc etc....

...I can remember laughing with Sharon.....along the lines of 'the sky isn't going to fall on your head chicken licken...but it is going to rain toads for a while'....see previous notes upon that taschmann 'sky' program...the three balls - frequency programs in operation etc etc...

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