Monday 25 January 2016

this morning i was to wonder about the planets relation to radio networks....

i was to wonder about it all in relation to the roman gods/goddesses...mercury, venus, mars, pluto, neptune, jupiter....and then 'uranus'? i'd better look that one up again...

...and then i wondered about the holliday family and their 'greek deity' status....had they formed their own radio imitation of the, aphrodite, aries, hades, poseidon, zeus....

...anyway, i then remembered 'pre-school' at a local 'painting workshop' held at a blackheath church (where urstriker used to preach) painting of a 'green-faced' pirate was 'highly commended' by the judges...i was told the same thing, at all saints primary - and in relation to a 'greenwich maritime children's poetry competition'....the first line of the poem was all about poseidon and his sea see, i had become fascinated by greek legends....and now - i wonder why? see previous notes upon 'mr poseidon' at that address across the heath - near to st austell road...had he run a 'poseidon desk'...or are we looking at a NEPTUNE desk....let me see - in my mind's eye...i was to see that man's desk as rather like that 'ninth planet'...a dark blue...whereas neptune is far more 'green'...go figure. up...i was to remember judy elliott at the british council in prague....the taschmanns had nicknamed her relation to her mass of frizzy blonde curly hair....see previous notes upon her joking about a PULP FICTION party......along the lines of 'shall i dye my hair black and come as the black mafia boss who gets buggered across the table...' actually she was to say "shall i wear a wig?" which was probably what had made us laugh even more...judy was furious....why was it all so funny etc etc..."a white black" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, she had even resembled the black mafia boss, facially..."and she had no idea" it goes, eh?

...and then i was to remember the following...norwegian intelligence had been running judy elliot' connection from her british council computer (which she didn't know how to use - another of those 'early dongles') ...let me see - a computer...located in a flat, given to her by the british council....she had the keys and fob, to it..."i'm a company girl now" etc etc...

the taschmanns were to find out...get online, upon that computer....and take a certain 'circuit' off of the HOLLIDAY then make it 'disappear' into an unknown partition....

...and what might that circuit have been? follows:

'bill' the director of the british council...had a driver...a czech...who had been working for norwegian intelligence....his daughter was dying...the prague rothschild was to 'help out' with a bit of 'mumbo jumbo' then take his daughter away to hospital..."we will raise her - from the dead" far as i know - his daughter was 'raised from the dead' but only lived about 6 months more...there are some things that you cannot cure with a 'pinpoint plug' etc etc....

...and the 'mumbo jumbo'? the creation of a 'circuit'...the prague rothschild team, along with the taschmanns were to stand around the dead daughter....and chant a bit, holding hands...we had all inscribed an image/symbol upon our foreheads....

i had started it off by painting a pink triangle upon my forehead, with lipstick...outlining it in black and then and then filling in the middle triangle, in black...little martine was furious..."i'm MR PINK....i'm VENUS"...the japanese connection, you understand...and a case of datamining....gill then 'got even' by painting what looked a bit like the AQUARIUS symbol upon his forehead...."I AM THE WAVES"....the black waves which flow through the black triangle...upon my forehead...."queen of the waves" lisa was to laugh....venus or aphrodite, eh? rising from the waves...but we weren't talking about the sea, here...we were talking about radio waves and the creation of a circuit....

lisa was to paint a large red circle upon her mars/aries....susan was to paint a pinky/red planet upon her forehead...toby was to go for a blue/green planet....and so on...oh and CF was to go for a black outline of a circle..and then add both the planetary sign for venus and for mars, to that circle upon his forehead....

do you see what we were attempting to do here? we were pictorially representing what we were, upon that circuit....go figure.

matt was to draw a 'sun emblem'...a sort of frosted gold lipstick sun...a bit like david bowie as ziggy...upon his forehead...and his father...stepfather 'peter smith'...was to draw what looked like a tutankhamen image...matt was to help him by painting tutankhamen's beard design...upon his nose....oliver had found a photo of tutankhamen upon the internet, to help things along...later on, i was to 'watch' as oliver chatted to judy...along with another man...from the holliday/norwegian intelligence camp...."they've created a circuit that we can use - but they don't know it...." judy was to laugh "does that mean we make lots and lots of money?"....which is why...the taschmanns were to get onto judy...gain access to her british council computer...having signalled her 'under control'...and so on...see above.

one last note...the eldest taschmann was to warn the others...that they would have to keep an eye upon that computer....because the only way that the circuit could be found again...would be shall we put it? 'reverse engineering' that computer....

...i was 'watching' it all from the prague rothschild's desk up at the castle, at the time...thinking...'there's no way that you'll ever be able to find that circuit again...that is how we keep things hidden...but he doesn't know it'....

later on i was to tell toby, lisa etc...toby was to sing "i am an island"...susan was to say "we are sub zero space" or something like that....and lisa...

roll on the years....lisa was to find that 'golden retriever on a sofa, with a red cushion upon it...with a black cat on top of the red cushion and say "that's me" with a red circle upon her forehead....the black cat and the red...covering up the 'golden retriever'....because lisa had known that at this point in time...CF would be called in by the taschmanns to get me under control 'dog alter'...a 'retriever' - who can find that hidden/lost wasn't possible then, and it isn't possible now.

anyway, i 'sense' that my parents wanting to move into 'number 6' the all about that norwegian desk that i was to identify 'in operation' down kiln lane, so many years ago now....and in relation to telling the doctors about that well as berating them for allowing ingabot to be run as a 'robot doll' by that desk.... i supposed to turn up at that house with my then be forced to 'find the circuit'...? it is not possible...don't bother...or you'll all be sorry...that is all i can say.

...this appears to be all about german and russian intelligence 'getting onto' norwegian get them to trace find out 'what had happened' so many years ago now....1994-6 in prague....and all i can say to the whole lot of that you will never find it is a triple negative, in a way....gill had originally described the pink triangle as the 'bermuda triangle'...things get lost within the black triangle within it....but after what the eldest taschmann had done upon judy's computer...the whole thing is triangle, pink triangle...the whole is all 'invisible' and it will remain that way...nothing i can do.


...and before I forget...the pirate with a green face painting....I can remember now - what had happened at hill house combs....grandma clayton had taken me round to meet the 'little green men'...who turned out to be three men in that cottage...who were using some sort of ghoulish 'green light' to lit up their faces....very scary indeed...I told my father...he then marched round...I can remember him at the threshold of the frontdoor...telling them off for frightening his daughter...he then said "you shouldn't be using that equipment for that..." and then he yelled in agony....they dragged him into the cottage.....what was it that he had recognised? some sort of medical equipment...X-RAY equipment...what had it been?

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