Tuesday 26 January 2016


what else?....a left message from CHP on my ansaphone today....11.45am....a customer service person telling me that she cannot say whether or not I will be charged for 'the tap and radiator valve' but that I should call her in order to make a plumbing appointment anyway....

now 'that' will not do....one of bobby's mob had damaged that valve before I moved in....see previous notes....before I became responsible for anything in this flat...before I became a tenant....and nobody had done anything about it - had they? therefore I will NOT be pissed around in this way....I want it 'in writing' that I will not be charged for what was already 'wrong' with this flat and before I moved in...and I will not make an appointment with any of their 'service people' until that has been done.

Additionally, I already have it 'in writing'...by email from CHP that I will not be charged for the tap...now do you think that I am going to engage in a conversation with some ignoramus who hasn't even bothered to read the notes upon the system, in order to 'get it right' within a left message upon my phone? the answer to 'that one' is NO.

The tap will be paid for by CHP and the 'radiator valve'? well I have sent CHP a photo...it is quite clear what the 'wear and tear' is - from the photo...and so they can make a decision based upon that photo.

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