Tuesday 26 January 2016

...what else?

I was to remember the eldest taschmann at that 'mumbo jumbo' event in prague...see previous notes....upon the formation of the circuit...he was to laugh "we call him 'cystic fibrosis'"....and yes, he was talking about 'little colin'...lisa rapidly worked it out:


however it was worse than that, wasn't it? the taschmanns had discovered a 'network curse' upon the system...relating to the initials of one's name...lisa was to find out that hers....what was it again? 'lymphoma'....mine began with 'edema'...go figure.

oedema...the swelling...it is kind of ironic that we are all locked out of belle court bins room at this present time...due to the swelling of the wood, isn't it? the door will not open...'no feet' ha ha ha...

on the other hand, it is no joking matter...the ill have now targeted me and in relation to finding that circuit...they see me as the 'barrier' preventing them from doing so....which I am not...but I do not suppose that this bothers 'mental robots'...it hasn't bothered them before now, has it?

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