Tuesday 26 January 2016

afros...halos of curls...i can remember talking about 'that one' with toby....along the lines of 'like springs, coils...batteries'....in order to find out what the ill might have 'coded in' - regarding those with halos of frizzy/curly hair....see previous notes upon gill and his whole 'electro-magnetic theory' surrounding hair....

the spectrum of colour...regarding natural afros....blond(e), red, brown and black...regardless of skin colour....although i suppose - that one can generally assume that blond(e) and red go with 'very white skin'....brown can go 'either way'....and black tends to denote 'darker skin'....

clement power had the 'light brown' afro version, of the above....a favourite or should i say 'fetish' of princess anne "the shorn lamb"....see previous notes...go figure.

i then thought about helen browne (brown hair halo) and paul mckintyre (the same thing)....browne was to love her hair, as a child...taught to love it...but later on in life.....in her twenties...she couldn't bear it.....and so she used to have it 'feather cut' to keep the curls at bay.....

the ill used to refer to the 'curlies'....as those who were the most susceptible to mind control slavery...and in relation to those like my grandpa clayton....light brown 'afro hair'.....he used to smooth it down with a large amount of oil combed through it - topped up by brylcream....."the ashkenazim" replies MI5 ONLINE...."uncle michael had golden curls as a child".

so what are we saying here? i am not sure, as yet....

i can remember thinking 'what would it be like - to have helen browne's hair?'....i then thought about the immediate effect...so striking....it didn't matter whether she had just got up...run a comb through it or not....she looked 'vibrant'...'energy-charged'...simply because of that 'unruly mop' of healthy hair....

however i had not thought it through....put myself in her shoes....what would it be like...even if other people thought your hair 'glorious' and your 'best feature'....if you could not control it, for example....because 'it' did what it liked.....oh i get this, now...gill's day in the flat...and he had that type of hair....an 'unruly mop'....

...so you have hair that isn't straight....and it will not 'do' what you want it to do....it will not do what you are trying your best to make it do...

....as you do - in relation to all of the other 'parts of your body' - add to that, the fact that you have everything else 'under control' in your life.....but not your hair....your own hair, for heaven's sake.

...i then realised that having a 'mop of hair' that doesn't do what you want it to do...an electromagnetic force, according to gill...might be slightly alarming....bear with me, upon this one...

...because the ill see all 'hidden weaknesses' within the human psyche...that is their 'biznez'...that is how they take control of you....and i am thinking that 'hair' might have been 'turned against you'....

the ill can 'do that'....let me explain...they can take 'something about you' and under hypnosis...tell you that 'whateveritis' is 'against you'....your frizzy/curly hair is against you...how mad is that?


onto 'microscopic alice' and the uses that our youngest child alters were put to - by MKULTRA programmers....in relation to 'medical research'...e.g. microscopic inspection of the 'internal'...of the human body...of your own human body....see previous notes upon 'alice down the rabbit hole' i.e. gullet/windpipe/gut.....go figure.

see previous notes upon the CAECUM conflated with the ill attempting to entrap your remoteviewing alter within what they were to call 'BLIND WORM' of the human body.

"it had opened its jaws" replies MI5 ONLINE...okay, okay...we are going beyond what i have already typed up on wordpad (to be put onto a blog post later on).....the reader will not understand what you are going on about....

let me explain...i was to call my parents, this morning....'after 10pm' see previous notes....so that they would know that it was not an 'emergency'....(they had told me 'upon the other side of the mirror' never to call them before 10 unless i had something really important to say)....and so, in the main - i have generally waited for their 'callback' rather than called them...only calling them 'before 10' if it was an 'emergency' but never an 'emergency' in relation to myself....but because of a 'timer system' problem, upon the networks....see previous notes.

anyway, i called them 'after 10'...my father was to answer the call in 'blind worm' CAECUM alter....he then handed the phone to my mother - who was to tell me about number 6...i advised her to take her ipad with her...video/photograph the whole thing...rather like that CHP couple had done upon their 'annual inspection' - see previous notes....

....in relation to "now that you are sure that you want to rent that property (i hadn't realised that number 6, was to be rented and not bought - my mother was to tell me 'that one' in our phone call this morning).....let me continue - and in relation to my conversation with my mother, this morning...."that you should take around your ipad and video/photograph everything.....so that you will know where to move your furniture in....measurements (from an estate agent's) aren't enough....you need to 'see' it all...." etc etc....

my mother sounded unsure...and then said that my father could do that....i agreed.

what else? that norwegian intelligence 'bastard' who had posed as a member of the CID at one point...then 'dr manders' at another....in order to gain a foothold within the 'dr craig camp'....see previous notes....well he was behind the following:

the 'total robot' idea...that the ill should 'jump me' whilst visiting my parents....."try to make her feel like she is something special....then get her".....

try to make her feel like she is something special? oh that is 'rich'.....coming from a 'total robot'....

it sounds just like MW and his gang.....see previous notes upon rodway etc etc...."she is the only useful...." etc etc...

'total robots' steal everything that they can....and then pass it off as their own...

they do not 'understand' what it is to be 'human' or to have a high IQ or to be 'talented'....because everything that they 'are'....is on their chip - and stolen off of others...what they call their 'slave base'.

they look down upon those like myself....because i am on the british royal castle 'gameboard'....'within the toilet position' - whereupon the whole lot of them (literally 'idiots' within a medical diagnoses - with chips in their heads..."drooling infants" replies MI5 ONLINE), dump upon me...and from a great height.

Yes, that norwegian intelligence 'man' - who had then posed as a member of the CID...let me continue...who had then tried to copy one of the programs that i had made up 'on the spur of the moment' - using a portal to the CIA and PENTAGON technology....see previous notes...well the royals must have thought him 'just grand' for doing that one, mustn't they?

"what a clever bastard" replies BI ONLINE...but not clever enough...give them enough rope to hang themselves....why on earth do you think that i had not said, at the time...."leave the room whilst i do this"...some people are incredibly stupid, aren't they?

so stupid...it makes me want to crawl across the room, like a lizard...in imitation of those 'dunderheads'.....so stupid...so very stupid.....what is it like to be them? inside of their heads?....too terrible to even contemplate.....

...but of course, one must go there...it is 'lizardgate' today, isn't it? i was to see so many of them, as a network...around and about...a shami-lookalike parked in a car, for example....giving me the hardest lizard-look whilst pretending to be 'jade laing'.....and dressed in a nurse's outfit, of all things....ha ha ha...at least the shamis of this world - have realised that passing themselves off as...."what they are not qualified to do"...

".....has eventually wormed its way down into that 'no life going on in there' computer brain" replies MI5 ONLINE.

into that computer brain network...the saddest computer brain network - in the whole world.

...it was so funny to see that woman, glaring at me...from the driving seat of that car.....the F.O. network were to identify her, immediately....."shami in disguise - without glasses" on PENFOLD ROAD....

shami with a 'jade laing' hairstyle?

.....hair drawn back from your 'minimal forehead'.....into 'something' (a bun/ponytail?) at the back of your head....?

in short, jade laing didn't have much of a forehead...but shami has so much less of one....

i am laughing...the 'look' was supposed to replicate 'jade laing'....but heaven help us all..... jade laing had never looked 'hard and mean'....she had tended to look 'miserable'....'forlorn'.....'piteous'....like a puppy dog, in photos....a bit like tomlinson.

...whilst shami...shami 'undercover' - has the look of a total predator....a really nasty animal....some sort of stoat? i really don't know that much about animals - to know 'which one or type'....'stoat' was simply the first thing, that came to mind..."the royal protector" replies MI6 ONLINE....of course, see previous notes...i was to have gill's stoat files, copied and relayed onto myself....without the programming involved.....a bit like 'other things' let us say'....such as 'beebie sheep' programming...'one foot in one foot out'....do you see how it goes?

....remember dabydeen programmed as the 'black mink stoat'? "that's enough" replies MI6 ONLINE....oh so you are telling ME 'that's enough' for once, are you?...and not the other way round?

"way out of line, brother" replies US INTELLIGENCE.

obviously people want to hear...what i have to say...and so i will continue.....upon this blog...go figure.....

let me see....this is something around 'quite a few things'....firstly it is about that 'prague Rothschild team circuit'...secondly it is about the royal mafia competition...and oddly enough - it appears to be still running....and shami's mob appear to be going 'down'....and bobby's mob appear to be in the ascendency...making a bid for becoming 'aristocracy'...is the 'house of lords' the next thing, upon their agenda etc etc...go figure.

...and the whole thing around 'hair'...."satanic princess programming - jade laing and her hairdressing salon" replies MI5 ONLINE....'hair' is of course, a metaphor for networks, isn't it? "the bundle"....

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