Tuesday, 27 October 2015

"my name is david yates..." sung to "my name is norman bates" see previous notes....

can you guess - what i was to remember? after having watched the first and the last episode of STATE OF PLAY (mainly on fastforward and with the 'audio commentary' plus subtitles on) today?

in brief 'david yates' and his work partner 'paul abbott' who had apparently been 'the director and script writer' of STATE OF PLAY (but not really - as i shall explain, later on)...along with a woman producer....whose voice 'dripped with evil'..."as they normally do" replies BI ONLINE...yes, anyway, all three were 'gloating' on that 'commentary' upon extras....it has to be heard to be believed....i can't be bothered to go back and find her name, now....anyway, you have to listen to her talking about how a certain scene, which was to give her a 'tingle' whilst viewing it again....reminded me so much of that vile 'pen dalton' at dartington...who used to enthusiastically line up for 'electrocution'...."it gives me a tingle" she used to titter....listen to yates/abbott agreeing with 'a similar sort of woman' but much cleverer than dalton...she had figured that giving a 'dalton reference' would get her off the hook...the joo/nazi program hook....oh i see - she had been in charge of it, had she? BIBI KING SHEEP might be interested.....who knows eh?....

....and you might ask...what was the matter with her? what was the matter with the two of them...is just as important....you see, we have come 'full circle' here....those two sadists at that MI6 office in ipswich...had posed as 'yates' and 'abbott'....and 'she' had been "somebody from MI5 that we have as yet to locate" replies BI ONLINE...oh i think that i know who you want to find...firstly, the woman on the M&S SPARKS helpdesk, the other day...tallish slim, specs....dyed auburn hair, short cut....very matter-of-fact....who used to work for MI5 and call-in on that MI6 ipswich office...until those two sadists 'got her' under....


oh and if i might go a bit further...the woman assistant who served me today (dark dyed hair, almost shoulder-length 'light green eyes' - used to claim to be a member of the police force - so many years ago now)...well she knew all about the woman assistant who had served me yesterday, at the fast tills....who had been the leader of the local division of the 'cassini project' (tall, dyed blonde shoulder length hair etc etc)....go figure....'light green eyes' had been 'at the scene'.....and the former assistant had figured 'oh, no'....in relation to 'something that had happened' and will happen again....i studied that woman today....whilst MI5 ONLINE were telling me "don't trust her".....well obviously not...as many of her network 'jumped' so many years ago now.....and they will do, again.....

"and now 'sue from housing' is showing up on the system" replies MI5 ONLINE....well she had always always behind 'quite a bit' wasn't she? see previous notes upon the homelessness dept at clacton townhall....


what else? well i was to watch a bit of STATE OF PLAY to remember the following:

the CIA LAB in terms of gill, mcdonald, farrell and myself...deciding to go 'deepcover'....gill was to go 'all of the way'....so far into 'homely sheep alter' that he really was working against, the rest of us....after having done one brilliant thing....he had phoned up CSA and asked them to send him their list of 'cardinal sins' in relation to casting....

...gill was then to implement them in STATE OF PLAY....you don't need to be an expert in 'practical filming' to work it out...you just need to have watched enough films....

in short, gill was to pick 'well known faces' from british TV/film drama...from genres 'across the board'...and throw them all together, in relation to one 'really silly script'....

...and so in relation to casting - you had references to THE OFFICE...capaldi's comedy roles in relation to british government (and actors/actresses from the same productions) as well as 'acting crew' who had been in british productions of really serious and scary dramatic productions e.g. murder/detective mysteries etc etc...

....in short, you never knew whether to laugh or cry - whilst watching STATE OF PLAY, in relation to 'whose well-known face would crop up next - but not one that you could necessarily give a name to'....i.e. somebody who would immediately remind you of 'yet another genre' to add to a growing list...."what was he/she in again?" etc etc....and you wonder why hollywood casting directors - cast their main star or stars...and then find 'unknowns' to do most of the rest of it?...

.....and that is because it is 'confusing' to say the least....a viewer tends to naturally and immediately 'remember what he/she can' of an actor or actress' past history 'on stage' and 'on screen'...to then juxtapose that memory....to the next actor/actress to appear.... and then the next...and the next...and the next...and the next....do you see what gill had done, here?

in fact I can remember one scene...where McDonald was to laugh about PLAYSCHOOL entering the picture as yet another genre reference and pointer....and this is where "andy and teddy say goodbye"...honestly it wouldn't have been out of place, by that point in time...

casting is an art form, in a way...it is a category of its own...the two idiots who were pretending to be the director and script writer, didn't know that...enough said, for the time being. "it means that you know nothing about film - either practically or as a couch potato" repliesS MI5 ONLINE...exactly so.

i reckon that CSA coaches/acting schools....are now using STATE OF PLAY to express what gill was to term the 'cardinal sins' of bad-casting...you could write a dissertation or phd on 'bad casting' having watched STATE OF PLAY....not that any of the cast are bad at acting...far from it....'at the top of their profession'...."just a case of the wrong place and the wrong time" replies MI5 ONLINE "and everybody wants to work - they aren't going to turn it down, are they?" - i am only surprised that they didn't manage to get COLIN FIRTH in for the main role..."he turned it down"....okay so there are those who can choose....who aren't that desperate to work...but it is 'in the main' a rather desperate profession, isn't it?....and yes i know that BILL NIGHY had chosen to star in it....and yes, i can remember now - telling gill "baffled sheep"...gill accepted that one - 'on set' in an office environment 'without question'....bill then walked up and having listened to gill's direction...replied "well i can do it a bit but not all the time" with a knowing smile....anyway, i then disappeared out the 'backdoor' of that open plan office....to meet with CF...who was to ask me how gill had taken it...."he didn't argue back at all"....to the reply and with a quick smile..."somebody must have worked on him"....and indeed they had, hadn't they?

what else? i didn't have much to do with 'production' and 'shooting' at all....in fact - the only other thing that i can remember contributing, so far....is filling in for gill (who was unavailable that morning)....to film all of that 'camera angle' business (talked about at length on the commentary) - in relation to the two men seated at a table in a restaurant/bar of sorts....i will write more about it later on...anyway, the shoot didn't take long...and during that shoot - one of the actors was to ask me a question....and well, i suppose that you could say that his question was 'sexist'...but it wasn't intentionally....i.e. a woman BBC cameraman? i replied that i didn't normally work for the BBC...and that i had spent years in hollywood, beforehand - the idea being that i had just come over from the USA after years of working there...."which is pretty much true in your case" replies MI5 ONLINE....well, i've been heavily involved in film for decades, that much is true....and in relation to the CIA LAB.....see previous notes....not that any work, was paid for...by anybody i might add...see previous notes...

anyway, why was i there? filling in for gill? mcdonald and emet had wanted to know 'what was going on'....and the 'track and trace' was to lead to a welsh cottage and 'adam sandler' of all people...along with my brother RH...who had 'gone mad' according to CF....and was acting like 'hitler'....i can remember replying something along the lines of "so far, so normal - he always acts like that..." to then be told that it was 'for real'....go figure.

...in snips...although you have to listen to the commentary, to really 'get it'......listen to that evil pair relish watching the 'guy with a nosebleed' in a hospital bed as 'one big joke' (they appear to think that the scene is 'comic')...the horror about compulsive sadism, is that sadists do not appear to realise that 'not everybody' is 'that way'....just listen to them, at that point in the track...to 'get it'...e.g. what they had done to that policeman....which as far as i know...is now upon the lines of a murder inquiry....because they had driven him to suicide...you see - if you cannot dig up the memories...because of the severe electrocution...you feel like you are going mad....you go to the doctor...he gives you a handful of olanzapine....do you see how it goes?

MI5 were to term it "staggered murder"....by degrees, eh?



NIGHY doing 'baffled sheep':




what that ill cult MI6 duo at that Ipswich office, used to do to their victims - and how they ended up, afterwards:

the scene that I was to shoot, filling in for gill - 'no time' to do it, hardly....and having replied to the 'sexist comment'...one of the 'handlers' behind me, was to say "SHUT UP".....and so I 'gave him the eye'....for a few seconds....and then continued as normal....


the headphones and the 'pounding noise of the soundtrack'...that ill cult MI6 partnership....that ill cult duo were addicted to listening to it....a bit like trains-on-tracks?.....well, no...somebody had likened it to printing presses 'with the sound up' ad infinitum....can you remember what you heard, ling? "a soundblast - that was all" etc etc.....okay so we need people who can slow down time, in order to slow down 'soundblasts'...in order to identify the 'horror' threat...interesting...I can remember writing a note to emet 'to that effect'....you see, my main business was 'netting them all' with maths programs.....I was not 'specialised' in other things....but in relation to the 'intelligence' team that I was in, at the time...well, we all specialised in film....from A-Z....it was a bit more than being a 'jack of all trades'...let us just say that...


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