Wednesday 28 October 2015

what is grumpy cat talking about? one hour ahead of Greenwich meantime? let me see...

so grumpy is thinking about Africa for some reason? unless grumpy cat is talking about an entirely different system....which might easily be the case...I have no idea how to search for 'that one' on google...

let me have a look...oh I see...the reference might be to the BBC....

'when everything stops for tea'....

....and so the inference is...that the ill are using the above tv programme for something that they shouldn't be? see previous notes upon the ill and their 'T for TWO and TWO for T' number....a 'torture' reference....
...oh I remember now...MI5 having a look at this video 'so many years ago now'....but what we appear to be looking an 'augmented system'....go figure....
something to do with 'another version' being used on iplayer....and 'blow your head off' time? what am I getting at? I am not sure as yet...only that a really bad frequency has been tracked and traced to the 'four o' clock club' tv programme on iplayer....and so there is a warning attached to watching it....
"our engineers will fix it" replies BI ONLINE...good.
 and a 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest' reference - as the last comment to be left  - four days ago now?
"Norwegian intelligence"

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