Thursday, 1 October 2015

so what was it, about PASTERNIK? I can remember hulbrusch putting his head around the see what was going on...and to  be called 'pastor nik' by the eldest taschmann....hulbrusch then replied that he would put up 'something' on YOUTUBE......

let me appears to be a rifle range in Poland...and pewdie could remember something about it:

and I wonder now...what it was...that he could remember - because he had been behind the apollyon713 entry....

and this?'s a bit 'mr bean' isn't it? is that hulbrusch? I can't really tell with that thing on his head....

"spycraft is all about acting" replies MI5 ONLINE....and here we have a demonstration - brought to you by german intelligence....nik was fluent in polish, Russian...most Slavic languages as far as I can remember...whether it was 'him or not' in the above video...he had certainly been behind it....I can remember now...

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