Tuesday 14 April 2015


despite the fact that quite a large part of Clacton town centre was 'ticker-taped' off today....in relation to an 'incident scene' regarding a murder....last night, apparently - and what can I say? well, I never go out when it is dark....and yes, I had heard a helicopter circling yesterday evening and well into the early hours of the morning...to then hear a GCHQ 'interception' and blocking frequency - which was  upon a rather high note and quite piercing, I might add...'tinnitus' to most people...nevertheless I managed to get back to sleep, regardless of that 'noise'....what was going on? I had no further information and so didn't let it interrupt my sleep....

...to then wake up this morning...walk into town...see that there had been an 'incident'...meet donna...who knew that a murder had taken place....apparently near Sainsbury's....donna was to talk about so many murders per year, in Clacton...I was to point out the oddity....along the lines of "they don't normally  tickertape a whole area (in the centre of town), though, do they? (after every murder within the vicinity) and therefore it could be somebody important....carswell?"

donna nearly fell over laughing....but as I was to remind her...it wasn't out of the realms of possibility - surely it must have been 'somebody important'....simply because the 'incident' appeared to have been so 'serious'..so many murders in a small town - donna was to tell me that 9 had occurred last year....but they seldom get out the 'tickertape' for them - do they? I haven't seen any tickertape yet...apart from this morning....and so 'whatever had happened' was 'more important' than the other murders, this year or last year - or the one before that etc etc....but why?

and, I might add - I have noted beforehand - that if carswell doesn't tow the 'Cameron and his Templars' line...and that is not the 'tory line' per se....because it is also the 'miliband line'....then it is possible that Cameron and his mates might take carswell out....

anyway, I then remembered the rebel group 'going over this one' beforehand....gill was to tell me simply to remember the word 'rockets'....and so I did.....

on top of the above...I was to go to Sainsbury's - to see 'pastrami beef' on special offer....£2 per pack....and so I bought some - seeing as M&S have now stopped their sale and put their pastrami up to £3 again....

to meet up with a SAINSBURY's assistant who 'knew what it as all about'...he was standing in front of the pastrami/sliced meats display....he 'knew' that I would buy that beef....because I would want to find out 'something'....he had figured that I would 'make that symbolic choice' as well as selecting the 'gouda cheese' a bit further down that aisle....he had been watching me, the whole time - why?

I was doing 'cautious tiger' (see previous notes upon the Chinese and their understanding of a certain classic illustration) in relation to jobs/rickson/petrol nell scripts....walking in their footsteps and trying to find out 'what they had planned'....

...but as gill had wanted to tell me but he couldn't at the time...namely because his boss had been john scarlett....i.e. the 'overall anchor' to the whole jobs/rickson/petrol nell outfit, had been 'mr crowley' himself.....

once back in my flat....I was to look at that pastrami....to then wonder about the 'stabiliser' in that pastrami beef? would it kill me if I ate more than 3 slices? with my 'lack of knowledge' of chemistry upon this side of the mirror....any mention of 'phosphates' makes me nervous....

tetra-potassium diphosphate was included in the list of ingredients, upon the back of the pack....and that Sainsbury's assistant knew that I would be looking for 'that clue' this Tuesdays morning....

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