Tuesday 7 April 2015


that Aesop's fables book...the one that Inga had illustrated...what is now worrying me, is the following - I hadn't even consciously translated from the French....in order to 'get' what Inga had programmed in...i.e. le jambe...le jambon......the leg...the hambone....see previous notes upon Farrell gnawing upon my leg, in Sweden....whilst MI6 watched 'helpless'...as varro's MOD desk had a field-day...

...a pity that I cannot get my 'youngest French-speaking child alter' to surface...so that I can consciously translate...instead of "that's me, isn't it? oh jesus...."

...let us take this a bit further...the dog goes for the 'second hambone' which is in reality only a reflection in the water....well the ill were to slash both of my legs, in the end...and get them both stitched up...hoping that after my legs had healed...they would both 'look the same' and the stitching would have vanished...leaving no trace of what had been done to me.

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