Monday 6 April 2015

oh and 'steps' were important again, later on....a family was to walk past those steps by the 'light blue building' on marine parade...which is currently being 'done up'...a child was to point out those steps and start talking about them to the adults...

I decided to take a long shot of the steps and building...walked across the road to find a 'roses sweet' upon the pavement....where I had been planning to take the photo, from....remember the ill cult and 'roses - roe- human eggs - roe SIS grow on you'? this was something to do with the milibands, I was sure of it...'steps and sweets'...not a 'carrot and stick' affair then? more like 'steps and sweets'...something around SAS programming perhaps? the Russian STEPPES and the 'sweets'? who knows....

at any rate, even though there were very few people around....there were quite a few sweets 'around and about'...on the pavements....I was to kick 2 green jellybabies off of the high street pavement...because I 'knew' that they had been dropped program 'whoever' was supposed to walk past, later on...

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