Saturday 11 April 2015

i wonder what had been going on there, then? in relation to recent topics/themes under discussion....let me see - it had been a 'French intelligence' day let me guess...ian rickson and co - up to no good in that building?


the above structure reminds me of the structure around that 'angel' within the garden of remembrance...oh I get it now...that drug-addict sim doll 'clemence' had been programmed as the 'angel of remembrance' in the above building, in order to take my place 'in the flat'....ha ha ha...that mechanical bird doesn't have enough memory upon her chip - and no brain to speak of if you were take the chip out....

dear God - where next, upon this blog? I can remember col the sol''s wife dervla turning up during the filming of 'in bruges' ask me about 'clemence'...I told her what I knew but advised her to meet clemence herself and make her own mind up...she then checked clemence out herself and was appalled - even more so than myself...'col the sol' was to reply that if a sim doll of my own 'vulnerable self at an earlier age'' upset me - then well good...I deserved it after all I had put him through - as if it had been my fault and not the holliday family's etc - as he well knew....anyway, I always liked his wife far more than himself as a personality/character....not petty, cruel and vindictive in that way...."able to see the bigger picture" replies MI5 ONLINE....

anyway, to go over old notes...clemence had been shown a tape of myself when young to copy in terms of ...."expressing herself and then added her own shit" as MI5 were to surmise...the whole 'I am an artiste number'...a drug-addict prostitute mkultra doll with no talent for anything...what can I say? everybody who met her, was aghast... least by that age, I had written the harry potter book series (bar the last one) and I had no 'ego' about any of it... I didn't go around talking about my 'art' and 'walking on water' if I were some sort of angelic presence upon is all terrible...satanic princess dolls living the dream etc etc...oh and I might add, in terms of looks...she is a blue-eyed/blonde-haired version of ian rickson 'at that age'....perhaps that is why he had chosen her, in particular?

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