Wednesday 15 April 2015

i was to watch THE VICAR OF DIBLEY yesterday (the two episodes concerning the vicar's wedding) to remember the following - that the script had originated from dartington college - an ill cult project by students and staff..."to be used upon the networks as a curse" replies MI5 ONLINE...a curse that has now been 'thwarted' according to the prague Rothschild team...something do to with jade laing with that 'big wart' on her face...the 'th-wart-ed'?

....and that secondly - if you watch 'the story of dibley' on extras upon the come to a frame which 'says it all' in relation to what was frightening tony blair - having unlocked that door - see previous notes upon that TREAP website 'new entry'....

...and so why had the dartington crew picked ROGER LLOYD PACK as one of the actors in the above series? "knowing that the HOLLIDAY family were involved" replies MI5 ONLINE...I see, his first film role as 'young Maurice conchis' in THE MAGUS might have had something to do with it?

nota bene the 'clockface' to his right...a subliminal reference that blair was supposed to pick we can say that he had flashbacked to a 'clock' programmer?

next up - an interesting search result upon google images for roger Lloyd pack:

...well, does the actor called Mehdi Ouzaani look more like roger Lloyd pack or barack Obama? go figure...

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