Sunday 12 April 2015,1.149712,2a,90y,90t/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s-TcNNDzSql1c%2FVNm17pD_wxI%2FAAAAAAAAAAU%2F3h3hvY8cEYo!2e4!3e12!4m2!3m1!1s0x0000000000000000:0x504adcf23fac56a4!6m1!1e1

oh I see...that was one of the artist's paintings, wasn't it? he was to allow MI5 to take a photo....and it looks nothing like a portuguese waterdog ha ha ha....port-you-guys...perhaps? point of fact, he had told MI5 that the most important painting to photograph, was the above...and he had visibly shuddered as he had spoken...hadn't he?

...and yes it is hard to see how rickson could have identified with clemence in terms of 'looks' - all one can say is this - rickson was a lot prettier when he was younger....'at her age' let us say...

or in the case of the photo below...about 10 years or so, older than her...


a peculiar ending to the guardian's article, eh?

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