Tuesday 14 April 2015


and what about geohack's link to 'skyvector'? this is fascinating...


....I can remember emet laughing 'plan your own flight journey'...
oh it is all coming back now...mark r used to call himself 'mark campbell' whilst in Poland...he was to say that he would use this 'weather station'....additionally he was to say "let's blame it on prince Charles and camilla'...a joke around 'helicopter fuel' and not 'rocket fuel'...they were going to put those two in charge of 'whatever it was'....
....and on top of that...I am now beginning to realise what that gameboard upon the wall of the MI imperial hotel, Jerusalem - had really been all about...see previous notes and photos....because in terms of 'pattern recognition' it is reminding me of the above....and Tomlinson could remember 'something like that' - even in 1980..."I've seen it before somewhere..."
oh and that SAD CATS video...well alister baxter's 'best mate' in the first year of that art course...well his name was 'phil'...he was to come round to H house, one day...sit on the sofa...and then talk about how he had thought that it had been an 'insect on the wall'....and he had thought that for ages...until he realised that it was just a 'tack'...go figure...
do you see what I am saying here?

oh and 'phil and his tac'...or was it an 'in-sect' etc etc....


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